like real people do

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For the next few weeks everyday was different. 

Harley would wake up some mornings and he'd already be there, knocking at the door. Other days he will have stayed over. And others she'd have stayed over at his place. Some days they wouldn't see each other at all. 

Either way, they both desired each others presence. Desperate to be touching in any way possible. 

Even  when they were at work, they found a way to see each other. Harley began sneaking into his office donning various 'disguises' -- which usually just consisted of hats and sunglasses. They only almost got caught three or four times.

Harley could feel her walls slowly crumbling and she didn't even try to stop them. But, she was still to nervous to go out with him publicly, so they'd stick to their apartments, and very rarely go to an empty restaurant (or a McDonalds).  Harley was just a little scared. Afraid it would change everything if everyone knew, especially if her father knew.

Her fair-weather father who was spending a scary amount of time with Logan. She didn't even bother telling him what Logan had done. Or tried to do. She knew he'd never believe her anyway. He'd started inviting him to his casino's for poker night and going out on rides with him. All the things he hasn't done with Harley since Roxanne died.

Slowly, she began to tell Bucky about it, telling him all about her mother and what her father was like while she was alive. How her father didn't even talk to her for three months after her death, leaving her to grieve on her own. Bucky would just sit and listen. Absorbing every single word, trying to commit them to memory. 

Bucky tried to keep his family life as quiet as possible, letting small memories slip when she asked him questions. It was going well until one afternoon when he had two unexpected visitors.

Harley had decided that she was bored sat at home, so tried to call Bucky. He didn't answer so she just figured she'd go over to his place. He'd given her a key a while ago which sort of scared Harley, thinking he was asking her to move in with him. Thank god he wasn't, he just wanted her to always have a place to go. When she stepped through the elevator his apartment was unusually quiet, no soft music paying from anywhere. 

She stepped through, over the wooden floor scanning around the living room and kitchen for any sign of life. Nothing. 

"Hello? Bucky?" She called, walking into the kitchen and pushing through the door to the study. She froze when she saw him in there, sat at his desk with a dark haired woman sat on the couch opposite. "Shit I'm sorry."

Bucky's head snapped towards Harley, leaping from the chair and striding over to her. He placed a kiss on her forehead, taking her hand and leading her in towards the other woman. "Don't apologise it's alright." He smiled. The other woman stood up reaching out her hand. 

"Harley this is Rebecca, my little sister." He announced. "Rebecca this is Harley, my uh, my girlfriend."

Harley stared at him stunned. That was the first time he had used that word. My girlfriend. It sounded amazing. She tried to conceal her elated grin as she shook Rebecca's hand. "It's so nice to meet you."

Rebecca smiled brightly. Gods, she looked just like him, the dark hair and blue eyes. "It's so nice to meet you too." She pulled Harley into a tight hug taking her a little by surprise. "Why didn't you tell me about her?" She called pointing at Bucky. 

"I haven't had time." He grumbled, pulling Harley back towards him. 

Bucky had never mentioned his sister. Harley stared over her features. She was absolutely stunning, a white summer dress that came just above her knees and poker straight hair cut off below her shoulders.

Fiery Hatred || Bucky Barnes x OCWhere stories live. Discover now