never ending date - part 1

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Another fucking meeting. 

Why Johnny couldn't do this himself was beyond her. Yet here she was, sat on the top floor of her fathers building, pretending to pay attention as overpaid men sat talking at her. She rubbed her temples, closing her eyes. Danny was sat beside her, obviously equally as bored, as he stared out the window across the New York skyline.

Harley found herself thinking about her date tonight. She had thought up fifty different ways to get herself out of it. It wasn't that she didn't want to go, she was just totally terrified to go out in public with him. What would they talk about? It wasn't like they were strangers. He'd had his dick inside her for Gods sake. But that's probable not the best topic for conversation.

"Does that sound correct Miss Blaze?" One of her fathers company lawyers asked, smiling at her. She looked down at the file in front of her, scanning across the mass of numbers. Gods she hated finance meetings. 

"Looks like it, wait, what's this extra four million?" A frown crossed her face as she stared at the sheet. 

"George Barnes Corporation. Your father invested more after the gala." Danny responded, hand scratching the back of his neck. 

They had hidden this from her. 

Danny could see the fury in Harleys face, convinced if she stared at that page any longer, it'd burst into flames. "But, uh, as you can see income has trebled since."

She hummed in response, desperately wanting to throw something. 

Her dad asks her to run his fucking company, and when she does, he wanders in changing all of her decisions. "Well then, that'll be all thank you gentlemen." She faked a smile, shaking a few hands before storming into her dads office. 

"Look Harl, I'm sorry we didn't tell you. We just didn't want to-"

"It's fine Danny." She grumbled pretending not to care, pouring herself a scotch from her dads secret stash. 

"Oh, uh- Okay. I'll see you later then."

She let out a frustrated scream, lowering herself into her fathers chair. She glanced at the clock, she had four hours before Bucky was supposed to be picking her up. 

Why the fuck was she doing this?

It wasn't even like she could text him and call it off. She didn't even have his fucking phone number. She accepted that she'd just have to suffer through it. Which she definitely didn't do. 

Harley got home around an hour later, giving her time to take a long hot shower to calm herself down. She had no idea why she felt so anxious to see him. Almost desperate. The uneasiness washed away with the hot water, actually allowing her to relax. 

She stepped out of the shower, ringing out her red hair leaving it to dry. She could not stop thinking about him and it was driving her insane. She couldn't possibly like him. He was arrogant, dismissive, egotistical and charming and hot and....

She shook the thoughts from her head, trying to focus on getting ready. She had decided on her black latex dress, which curved around her breasts and stopped just under her ass. It was a fucking bitch to get on but it was worth it because she loved the way it looked on her. 

After some light black eyeliner and her signature red lipstick she was totally ready. And totally confident. Her hair hung in her natural loose curls over one shoulder and she slipped on her favourite pair of thigh high boots. Twenty minutes. 

She couldn't sit still, so she paced the whole apartment. Seven times. Her fingers were chewed and her leg was twitching. 

A knock at the door.

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