cheap shots & setbacks

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James stormed through the building, barging past groups of suit clad men, shoving anyone in his way. His breathing was harsh and shallow and jaw was clenched so hard he thought his teeth may shatter. He threw himself out of the large glass doors, shoving past the mass amounts of business men swinging briefcases and screaming into their phones, earning disgruntled groans from most of them. He was fucking fuming. At everything. He wanted to go out and fucking kill something.

Harley sunk down against the wall trying to process what the fuck had just happened. Did James Barnes, the man she hated more than any other in the world, just fucking kiss her? And why did she let it happen? No, why did she want it to happen? A hand ran through her hair as she let out shallow breaths in an attempt to calm her down. Darcy poked her head through the door, startled by the sight before her.

"Harley? Are you okay?" she asked concerned. Harley stood up from the floor rapidly, straightening out her jacket plastering a smile across her face.

"Yeah. I'm fine." She breezed, tottering towards the door. "I'm just going to make a quick phone call, just give me a minute." Harley removed her phone from her pocket and raising it to her ear. After a few rings Nat picked up.

"Hey Harl," she chirped. "What you need."

"I'm coming over. Get the liquor." Harley commanded, punching end call button and sauntering down to the lobby. Darcy chased behind her, taking the blazer ash Harley ripped it off, and passing back her helmet and jacket.

"I'll see you to-" Darcy started as Harley stormed through the lobby and out of the doors. "-morrow."

Harley screeched up outside Nat's apartment block, ripping of her helmet and bolting up the stairs. She pulled out her spare key, swinging the door open and waltzing into the small apartment. The walls were plain white, and furniture was sparse, but this was the city. A tiny two seater sofa, and a television was all that could fit in the living room and the kitchen was a damn box. It almost made Harley claustrophobic. She found Natasha sat on the kitchen counter, swigging wine from the bottle, with music blasting.

"Hey Nat!" Harley shouted over the blaring bass.

"Harley!" She practically screamed hopping down and sprinting towards her, throwing her hands around her neck, spilling wine everywhere. She pulled back giggling loudly, dancing towards the alcohol cupboard pulling out a bottle of vodka and two shot glasses. She thrust them both at Harley who happily downed them, before slipping off her shoes and joining Natasha dancing across the kitchen. They shared to rest of the bottle of wine, passing it between them and gulping it down. They began screaming along with the lyrics, definitely pissing off Nat's neighbours but not giving a single fuck. Two bottles of wine later they were absolutely wasted. Nat led Harley through to the living room, plopping themselves onto the sofa.

"Are you going to tell me what's the matter or am I going to have to beat it out of you?" Nat questioned, folding her arms over her chest. Harley let out a loud grown, sliding down off the sofa and onto the floor.

"He kissed me." She finally blurted out, hiding her head into the cushions of the sofa.

"You're going to have to elaborate on that babe." Nat laughed tilting her head.

"James Barnes."

"Bucky kissed you!" Nat screeched hopping up to stand on the sofa "I thought you hated each other."

"We do." Harley stated craning her head to look up at Nat.

"Well it sure as hell doesn't sound like it!" She laughed collapsing onto the floor beside Harley. "So what was it like?" she quizzed poking at Harleys ribs.

"It was soooo hot." Harley babbled "But then he just turned and fucking left!" She could feel the anger from earlier rising in her stomach. She wanted to fucking kill him.


"Then I just left." Bucky sighed gulping back the rest of his bourbon.

He'd headed straight to Steve's apartment after leaving the R. Blaze building. He didn't usually like opening up or talking in general, but after a couple of drinks he began to spill everything to an unexpecting Steve. From the night he drove her home to the heavy make out session.

"Jesus Buck. So you like her." Steve replied trying to read between the lines.

"God no!" Bucky retorted "I can't stand the brat. She's so pretentious."

"But she sure is hot." Steve winked playfully at his friend. He was wrong. Shewasnt 'hot' she was fucking celestial. And Bucky new that. She wasn't perfect, but she was everything he craved, and he hated her for it.

"Yeah I guess." he chuckled pouring another bourbon. "I just need to fuck something else and I'll be over it."

Steve rolled his eyes at the comment. He could tell that Bucky liked this girl, but it was different. It wasn't like it was with the usual tramps who threw themselves at him because he was rich.

"You're going to have to settle down at some point you know." Steve urged. Bucky grunted in response not even wanting to think about anything beyond just sex. It wasn't him being shallow, he just didn't revel in the thought of having to spend every day for the rest of his life with the same person.

"I'll pass thanks." he grumbled taking another gulp.

But she just wouldn't get out of his fucking head. She was becoming a permanent resident, constantly dancing in the back of his mind. And he was in hers.

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