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Sunshine streamed through Harley's half shut curtains, dancing over her almost-conscious body. The memories of the night before came rushing back. James driving her home after saving her from the paparazzi, dancing in the bar with Natasha, finally seeing Reed again Logan...


Her morning joy was stripped from her completely when she was reminded that she had seen Logan, and not only that, Reed had invited him. She sat up in bed throwing the sheets from her body. She climbed out of bed wandering towards the kitchen, wearing an oversized shirt from one of her dads tours. She poured herself a bowl of ridiculously coloured cereal, and nestled herself into her favourite spot on the corner sofa, flicking on a film. 

She stayed in the same spot until midday, when Nat came bursting through the door wearing last nights clothes. Harley leant her some sweats, and they both snuggled up on the sofa continuing watching old films.

Harley explained why she had to leave and how the big bad James Barnes saved her and drove her home, despite how much they loathed each other. Nat talked all about her night with Steve, how much of a gentleman he had been and how fucking hot he was. Even though she was sure she liked him, it didn't stop her from leaving before he awoke.

"I can't believe he took you home and you decided to sneak out to come here." Harley laughed looking up from Natasha's lap. "You little slut." 

"Fuck you, Harl!" She giggled digging her fingers into Harleys side. "He's asked to see me again you know."

"No fucking way!" 

Nat turned to smile at her. "Is it really that hard to believe?" she sneered, leaning back into the cushions. 

"No! I'm just excited for you. How longs it been since you've had a good fuck." Harley commented 

"Harley!" she exclaimed, pushing her friends shoulders playfully. Harley dove towards Nat, initiating a whole ass wrestling match. She lifted Nat's petite frame and launched her back onto the sofa causing a surge of giggles to explode out of the two of them. Just as Nat sprung back up prepared to take Harley head on, Harley's phone began to ring. She wandered back through to her bedroom, lifting it up to her ear.


"Hey devil, it's dad." Johnny's voice called through the phone.

"Is everything okay?" Harley faked concern, sinking into the chair in the corner of her room.

"I, uh, just wanted to let you know that I'm coming home in a few days and I'd like you to come into work with me. You know, to help me catch up." Translation: 'Hi Harley, I don't give enough of a shit about my billion dollar company to understand what's happening, so I need you (my young daughter) to come in and tell me what to do'

She knew it was coming. He'd been away for six months, so it was only a matter of time before he came screeching back to New York to pretend to run his company. As much as she hated to admit it, she did miss him terribly and actually couldn't wait to see him. 

"Yeah, I guess that's okay, are you flying in or?"

"No, I'm only in Philadelphia so I'll probably ride up ." He retorted.

"What time are you going to get in, do you want me to meet you at home?" She asked hopefully. 

"Yeah sure just come up at whatever time Tuesday. Talk to you then."

And he hung up. 


The days seemed to drag on forever. Her shifts at the bar were the only relief from the horrific captivity of time. Tuesday just couldn't come quick enough. 

Fiery Hatred || Bucky Barnes x OCOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz