young and beautiful

552 30 1

TW: there's a small mention self-harm in this chapter my beautiful lot.

Harley snapped herself up, immediately building those walls back up again. "Nothing memorable." She snapped.

Not true.

"Come on, there's no epic Harley Blaze story to go with it?" Bucky smiled, propping himself up on his elbows. He reached up a hand to pull her back down to him but she shrugged him off, closing her arms over her chest. "Dragă"

He could feel her closing herself off again. Pushing him away from her. 

"Harley look at me." She continued staring off into the field beside where thy parked. Bucky gripped her chin with his fingers pulling her to face him. Her gaze focused on the ground. "Harley." He said more forcefully this time. She glanced up at him, her eyes resting on his. Dark and piercing. 

Fuck she hated how he made her melt in his hands. 

"Stop behaving like a fucking brat and get a hold of yourself." He growled. Heat radiated from his body. She could feel how pissed he was. And she revelled in it. 

Harley's eyes rolled as he stared up at him, his grip on her face never faulting. 

Then she saw it. That flicker in his eyes. And she knew exactly what he wanted. 

He pulled her face closer, his grasp tightening. His breath fluttered against her lips and she felt her thighs clamp together. "Roll your eyes at me again, draga mea," He said lowly, placing a soft kiss at the corner of her mouth. "and I'll have to punish you."

A whine passed Harley's lips as she leaned even closer. The tent in Bucky's pants growing more apparent. 

"I'd like to see you try." She whispered into his ear before quickly jumping back into the passenger seat, just out of reach. 

"I fucking hate you." He groaned jumping over after her. A cackle echoed out of the car as she took another bite of her candy necklace grinning widely at Bucky. 

"I fucking hate you too." 

A few hours later they were still on the road, Harley was growing restless and Bucky was almost getting sick of her whining. Almost. 

Part of him just loved to hear her talk. It didn't matter what it was about, just as long as she was talking to him. Whether it was a half hour rant about current politics or talking nonsensically about her favourite movie. Her voice was his favourite distraction. 

It was dark before they knew it, but Bucky just kept on driving, wanting to get there as soon as possible. Minimising the possibility of being found. 

All Bucky was thinking of was that damn scar. He wanted to know where she got it and more importantly, why she was so secretive about it. 

He looked over to her. Hair blowing back in the wind,  knees pressed to her chest, fingers drifting through the air. His chest tensed at the sight of her. As he looked back up to the road he slammed his breaks on sending Harley lurching forward. 

"What the fuck was that asshole?" She yelled sitting back up. 

"Tell me how you got the scar." 

"You're still on that? Fuck off." She half laughed half growled. 

Bucky just sat staring at her, hand running over his chin. "Tell me." 

"Do you have no fucking boundaries?" Harley shouted, throwing her arms over her head. Bucky just stared at her as he always did. Saying nothing. "I don't want to talk about it okay. It's none of your fucking business." She couldn't understand why he was pushing this. Could he not just leave it alone?

He chuckled, grip tightening on the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. "Actually Harley, it is my business. Because you are my business." He said dryly. "So tell me."

Harley shook her head remaining completely silent. 

"Harley." He said through gritted teeth. "Tell me."

"Alright fine!" She said waving her arms about rather melodramatically. "Fine. But remember, you asked."

She let out a deep breath trying to piece herself together before she even fell apart. She had no idea how to say it. This was in no way her plan of telling him this story. She thought she'd ignore it until their relationship was smouldering embers where the fire used to be. 

But there was no escaping it now. It was this or maybe losing him. 

So she opened her mouth and let it all fall out.

"Sometimes I like to pretend I'm not real." She started, staring directly ahead. "And sometimes I forget that I'm just pretending."

Her lip quivered as she took a deep breath. 

"One time I felt nothing. I didn't feel real." She chewed on her thumb. Rocking slightly. "So, I got a knife and jabbed it into my fucking stomach just to feel something. To prove that I was real." Her voice was low but didn't falter. "There was so much blood."

"Then dear old dad locked me up. Thought it wasn't safe for me to be living alone so sent me off to some fucking nut house where they weighed me and searched me and I couldn't take a shit on my own." He voice was raised but the ghost of a laugh played on her tongue. "That's why I disappeared from the tabloids for a couple years. 'Johnny Blaze's estranged daughter'. Fucked in the head." 

Her voice trailed off, arms wrapping around her body. A tear trickling down her face. 

Bucky didn't know what to say. Everything he had prepared for didn't even come close to this. 

He wanted to tell her how he felt for her. Scoop her up in his arms, hold her as close as possible, bury his head in her hair and tell her everything is going to be okay. 

In all honesty, he was glad to see her so vulnerable. So open. He'd never seen her cry and it was both beautiful and heart breaking. 

Her lips pink and trembling.  Eyes glistening. Cheeks red and puffy. 

Absolutely beautiful. 

Bucky wrapped an arm around her, scooting her closer. Instinctively she buried her face in his broad chest as his hand ran through her hair, stroking the back of her head. 

"I've got you dragostea mea. I'm right here." He whispered into her hair placing kisses on the top of her head. 

How this girl made him go soft, he'll never understand. But here he was, begging to know her deepest darkest secrets and not for his personal gain. Just to know her.  Prepared to console her for however long it took as she sobbed into him.

But right then and there he was with her. Ready to do anything for her, no matter what she needed.

A/N: hey babies i'm finally backkkk!!! it's literally taken me so long to find time and motivation but heres the new chapter and i hope it was worth the wait. big love.

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