what kind of love are you on

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"Do you want me to walk you up?" Bucky asked as he pulled up outside Harley's apartment. She shook her head slowly, wanting to invite him up to stay with her. But, she couldn't do that. 

"I don't think that's the best idea." She spoke slowly. Something in her felt almost guilty, but she pushed it away. "I think we should just take this slow."

He was silent for a moment. She felt actually nervous. The silence felt like hours as he nodded his head slowly. "Okay." He finally said placing a hand on her cheek. "Anything for you draga mea."

Bucky leant over placing a kiss on her forehead. 

Harley clambered out of the car jogging up the small steps. Something in her wanted to turn around and wave him off. But she knew if she looked at him, she wouldn't be able to help herself. He'd end up in her apartment fucking her until the sun came up. 

And she needed to stay strong. 

They threw themselves into their relationship head first when they first started 'dating'. They were rushing into everything and the more Harley thought back on it, the more it scared her how fast they were going. 

Harley fell into her bed, subconsciously pulling on one of Bucky's stolen shirts that she had stashed at the back of her closet. A small smile crept across her face as she tried to supress it. 

Bucky drove home in his elated state. He finally had her back. 

He pulled up in his garage, his phone ringing from his pocket. His heart stopped at the name on the screen. At first he was just going to ignore it, but, there was no way of escaping this. 

"Zemo what do you want?" Bucky said.

There was a chuckle through the phone. "Oh James. Always so pleased to hear from me." Bucky sighed loudly wanting to choke the life out of his little rodent neck. "Well I just received a message. Wilson Fisk wishes to meet with you."


"James, the meeting is set for tomorrow at Blood Rose. Seven thirty, don't be late."

He clicked the phone off tossing it to the passenger seat. Bucky's fists slammed into the steering wheel as he let out a frustrated yell, the horn echoing through the garage. Everything was just falling back into place and he could feel this was going to blow up in his face. He tried not to think about it. Focussing on Harley. 

Bucky dragged himself up to his apartment and threw himself into bed. Wishing he was lay beside Harley. With her in his arms, curled up beside him, her face buried in his chest. Gods he fucking missed her.

The quicker he fell asleep the faster he'd be able to see her again.


The rain was hammering against Harley's window. She just couldn't sleep. So she sat with a warm scotch, staring out the window. The droplets raced down the glass, distorting the light from the street below. 

She had unconsciously switched on the Elvis album that was lay gathering dust on her record player. The needle jumped slightly over the small scratches. 

 Her head was spinning from the lack of sleep. It was almost sunrise and nothing would help shut her brain off. She sipped on her glass, inhaling the scent from the shirt. 

Harley was so tired, she barely even comprehended the knocking on the door. 

Her whole body froze up. Ever since the night Logan stormed in she struggled to answer the door without having a tight grip her baseball bat. 

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