meant to be yours

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Steve finally returned from grovelling over Nat about half an hour later. Harley and Bucky had just sat in silence, holding onto each other. Bucky had an arm wrapped tightly around her waist, the other resting on her thigh as she pressed her cheek into his shoulder.

When Harley saw Steve wandering back around the corner she jolted herself away, walking up to meet him. 

"How is she?" She asked.

"Still asleep, but you can go in and see her. I'm gonna head down and grab us all coffee." He said. He looked awful. "You coming Buck?"

They both left Harley alone in the waiting room. She finally gained enough courage to finally go and see Natasha.

The room was small and dark, the harsh white light beaming down on to the small bed in the centre of the room. She was lay flat on her back, which was probably the strangest part. Nat never slept on her back. Her face was all bruised and her forehead was stitched up. Wires and tubes connecting to whirring machines snaked from her arms. 

Harley sank herself into the uncomfortable chair at her bedside, watching as Nat's chest slowly rose and fell. 

"Fucking hell Nat you look like shit." She whispered. Nat looked almost lifeless. Harley took one of Nat's hands in hers, stroking a finger over her bruised knuckles. "тупая сука" She chuckled.

"Did you just call her a dumb bitch?" 

Harley jumped at the husky voice behind her. "Fucking hell you scared the shit out of me! What are you doing in here?" 

Bucky walked over to where Harley was seated, his eyes dancing around her but never landing on her. He placed a hand on her back as he looked down at Natasha. "I couldn't wait any longer." 

"For what?"


Harley watched inn confusion as he crouched down beside her, taking her hand in his. "James what are you doing?" She groaned trying to yank herself away.

"Please just... Please let me talk." Harley rolled her eyes nodding her head. "Thank you. I know this isn't the best time but if I wait any longer I am going to go crazy."

"Spit it out Barnes." She pursed her lips.

"I need you." He started. "I am utterly and completely consumed by you. I can't lose you."

Harley blinked back tears, her hand squeezing his a little tighter. Reassuring him. He placed a soft kiss on her knuckles. 

"Please, please, I'm truly begging you this time, take me back. Let me have you." He pleaded. 

Whether it was the mountain of emotions from the evening or the fact that she really did miss him she'll never know. But in that minute all she wanted was him. 

She'd almost lost Nat. She couldn't lose him too. Because despite how much he pissed her off she wanted him. 

So she leant down and kissed him. Softly, but fuelled by a pure passion. The deepest of cravings. They were completely absorbed by the desperate romance of it all. 

His hands cupped her cheeks, stroking soft lines along them. Happy to be finally tasting her again. Having her. 

They shared smiles between soft pecks, pulling each other as close as possible. Melting together into one. 

"Get a fucking room." 

Harley almost screamed at the voice echoing from behind her. Jerking herself away from an equally as startled Bucky. 

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