never ending date - part 2

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Bucky pulled up outside a glass front shop and ordered Harley to stay on the bike. She watched as he walked inside, shaking the hand of the an behind the counter, who then produced a large white bag. Bucky slid over a pile of cash before wandering back out towards Harley.

They drove all the way back to Brooklyn, Harley clutching onto the white bag. She tried to peek inside but it was covered with a layer of blue. Bucky pulled into an old parking lot, chaining up his bike and both their helmets. 

He extended a hand to her which she graciously took, following along behind him. She would usually be pissed at the lack of explanation from him, however, she was loving the spontaneity of it all.  They walked a few blocks before they finally arrived.

"Sunset Park? What a cliché." She mocked, squeezing his arm

He rolled his eyes, pulling her through the gates, down the wide, winding paths until he stopped, under an old oak tree. He set down the bag, producing a blue blanket from inside, laying it on the grass.

"Thank you." She smiled as he offered her a hand, lowering her to sit on it. The view was outstanding. She could see the whole of Manhattan all lit up, the reflection of the sun bouncing off every window. "Bucky it's beautiful."

He sat down beside her, his hand brushing against her thigh, then began pulling white boxes from the bag the logo 'Mille-Feuille' printed in black on the top of each. 

She noticed that he didn't really talk much. Maybe he was nervous. Or maybe he just wasn't a talkative person once you got to know him.

"What is it?" 

"Here, take a look." He handed her one of the boxes. Harley flipped open the lid and was greeted by a rainbow of French macarons. Bucky opened another which was piled high with chocolate éclairs, and another which was full of different pastries. 

"Bucky, holy shit!" She smiled, "May I?"

"You don't have to ask doll." He chuckled, watching as she reached for a almond croissant, taking a large bite. Flakes of pastry spilled down her front, and stuck to her cheeks but she didn't care. This was the best croissant she'd had outside of Paris. "You like it?"

She nodded her head, slowly, eyes fluttering shut, absorbing every flavour, every texture and every sensation. "That is fucking delicious. I'm almost convinced you bought these straight from France."

"Have you ever been?"

"To France? Yeah a few times, my mom had an apartment there. I actually went two years ago when I was living in London." She took another bite of the croissant, even more delicious than before, if that was even possible. "Have you?" She asked through a mouth full of pastry.

"I haven't actually, my family spent most of their time in Greece or Spain."

"Ah, so they liked the hot places. What about England? You ever been there?"

He nodded his head looking out at the breath-taking landscape. "I went a few years ago. You said you were living there, why?"

"Oh, I was studying over there. I wanted to go to England to study literature, but dad wanted me to study business so we made a compromise."

"Why England?"

"I just needed to get as far away from here as possible." She sighed, picking at her fingers. "When I was leaving it felt more like running away than going somewhere. But when I got there, I felt at peace you know."

He reached over taking her hand, kissing her palm, before shuffling closer to her and wrapping an arm around her shoulder. His hand rested on her hip and her head fell back onto his chest. The contact felt strange for a moment, almost like it was happening too quickly, but Harley pushed that aside and just let it be. 

Fiery Hatred || Bucky Barnes x OCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя