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Neither of them could sleep. The just held each other until it was light outside. 

Harley's eyelids felt heavy but she couldn't close them, pictures of the night before flashing in her mind every time she did. There was no way Bucky was going to sleep. He would stay awake forever if he had to.

Eventually, Harley felt herself drift off desperate for real rest. Bucky stayed right there with her, not feeling tired at all. He could go days without sleep, hating when he actually needed to sleep. He just watched as her eyes flicked behind her eyelids, soft snores escaping from her mouth. 

After a while, Bucky shuffled himself out from beneath her, gently placing a pillow under her head. He carefully tread out of the room, closing the door behind him, needing some form of food. He looked through her scarcely stocked cabinets and fridge, finding nothing that would be of use. He did however find Harley's not-so-secret stash of cereal, ranging from Lucky Charms to Crunchy Nut. He chuckled to himself at the mass of boxes, most unopened.

Cereal would have to do. He found himself a huge bowl, pouring it full of fruity pebbles and topping it with milk. He wandered back into her room, two spoons in hand.

Harley was already awake, lay on her side, staring at the wall. Bucky placed the bowl on the bedside cabinet, climbing back in beside her. She didn't even stir. Eyes not breaking contact with the wall. 

"Harley?" Bucky cooed, placing his hand on hers, startling her a little. She hummed quietly in response, wrapping her fingers around his hand. "Come on doll you need to eat."

She nodded weakly, her face void of any expression. He smiled, handing her a spoon which she took hesitantly. He held the large bowl between them, each taking turns to scoop the rainbow contents. 

"You know, I haven't eaten cereal in years." He chuckled, shovelling another spoonful into his mouth. Harley tried a smile wanting to stay with him, in the present and stop thinking about the night before. He looked down at her, she was completely zoned out spoon teetering on the edge of her fingers.

He let out a deep sight, placing down the bowl and removing the spoon from her hand. "Harley. I need you to look at me." His hands gripped her shoulders gently turning her to face him. 

Her neck was bruised purple, similar to the bags that had formed under her eyes. A hand rested on her stomach, it ached horrifically from how hard he had hit her. He'd never hit her so hard before.

"I am right here. Nothing is going to happen to you."

She nodded her head, that blank expression still on her face. She was pushing down her emotions, making herself numb. Not wanting to cry. "I'm fine Bucky."

"Don't lie to me." He stressed, lifting a hand up to cup her cheek. "You've got to call the cops or something, report him."

"It's no use." She whimpered. "He's done a lot worse and got a lot less. You got him pretty good." She tried a small laugh reminding herself of the state of Logan's face after Bucky had finished with him. 

"You're fucking insane." He smiled leaning closer to her. She closed her eyes resting her forehead on his chuckling with him. "How are you so okay after what happened?"

"I've been through worse." She thought about telling him. Just exposing her biggest secret to him. But she couldn't do that to him yet, she was scared he'd just run. "Don't worry about it, he'll get what's coming to him."

He marvelled at her strength just wanting to kiss her. Instead she pushed her face nearer to his, getting closer and closer to him. 

She couldn't believe he stayed the whole night with her. Comforting her for hours, just letting her hold him. She was about to pull away, but she remembered what Nat had told her. Just go with it. 

She pushed her head forward, her lips gently pressing against his. Bucky was shocked at first almost pulling back, but her hands looped around his neck, holding him close. She pulled back slowly, her head leaning on his shoulder, his hands scooping under her legs to pull her onto his lap. 

The shrill ring of Bucky's phone slashed through the calm air. "I'm so sorry, I just have to get that." He scooted off the bed striding angrily towards the phone. 

"Steve?" Bucky growled into the phone

"Hey Buck. Sorry to bother you on Sunday man but we have a small problem."


"Zemo just called, he's coming in later." Steve sighed.

"I can't do later." He grunted "Can you do it?"

"I mean sure but you know how he gets when it's not you." Steve replied, desperately not wanting to see Zemo because frankly, he was fucking terrifying. 

"Shit, okay. I'll be there in a couple hours." 

"Yeah I tried to get your work phone but I couldn't get through."

"Yeah, I broke it. Okay, just give me a few hours." He slammed the phone down onto the table by the door, spinning to see Harley stood behind him, hands crossed over her waist.

"Go if you need to." She assured nodding her head as enthusiastically as possible "I'll be okay."

He placed his hand on the back of her head, kissing her forehead. "I am only going to be two hours max and I'll be straight back here. If you want me to that is." 

Harley nodded, a little disheartened that he had to leave. "No rush. I'll be fine."

Bucky pulled on his shoes and coat, leaning in to kiss the top of her head. He pulled open the door, taking a last look at her. God he shouldn't have done that. She stepped towards the door pushing it shut behind him leaving her alone in her apartment.

She wandered over to the couch, dropping herself down on it, making sure she had a clear view of the front door. Sleep. She just needed sleep.

Harley jumped awake with a large bang on the door. Her breathing faltered as she grabbed the old baseball bat she had hidden behind the TV. Another loud bang. 

"Harley?" The muffled sound of Bucky's voice calling through the door. Her chest warmed a little at the sound of his voice, the anxiety washing away. She scurried over to the door, pulling it open.

"Fucking hell you scared the shit out of me." She chuckled walking back towards the couch. 

"I'm sorry doll." He grumbled, clearly in a pissed off mood. "Look I can't stay I just came to check on you. And you seem fine so I have to go."

Harley stared at him in shock. Three hours has made his mood do a full 180. She could have begged him not to go, told him she needed him. But that was never going to happen. She ground her teeth together, hand squeezing around the bat she was still holding. 

"Whatever. Bye." Was all she could manage without hitting him over the head. He couldn't keep doing this to her and he knew it. But he just couldn't stay. 

He slipped out of the apartment silently and Harley listened as his car zoomed off down the street. It was times like these when she was desperate for some sort of violence, so she phoned up Nat and arranged to meet up at her gym for a match. Something her and Nat hadn't done in a long time.

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