blanket forts

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Harley woke with the sun. The light streaming through the half closed curtains. Her head was fucking pounding. She leaned up against the headboard, gazing around the room, memories of the night before racing around her head.

She fucked James Barnes. Shit.

A finger traced over her neck, remembering every touch, every sensation, every movement, caused by him. She almost found herself smiling, thinking of how he sat her on the edge of the sink, wiping off her smudged makeup, before bringing her back to bed and fucking her again, and again and again. How he stayed with her, falling asleep with his arms draped over her waist, head nuzzled into the back of her neck. 

She turned beside her, and he was gone.

She wasn't expecting anything otherwise, it was a one time thing. They'd both got their frustration out on each other and now they were done.

But they weren't.

Bucky was sat in an early morning meeting, unable to concentrate over the thoughts of last night. He finally got to touch her the way he had desired since he saw her. He knew it was a one time thing. Just so he can be over her and move onto the next bimbo who caught his fancy.

She just wouldn't get out of his head.

He tried to suppress the thoughts of her little body beneath his, squirming and writhing in absolute pleasure, it just was not going to happen. The guilt was taking over him.

When Zemo said 'make it happen' Bucky thought of a million different ways, this scenario not one of them. This was for him, he knew that, but if she every found out, she'd probably fucking stab him. 

He rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hand, trying to tune back into the conversation occurring around him. 

"It's that daughter. She's just a fucking snob who doesn't know her left from her right." One man said. Bucky immediately knew exactly who they were referring to.

"If we could just get a meeting without her, Mr Blaze would probably agree to the offer." Another man retorted. 

"If only we could just fucking kill her." the first man joked, all the other men laughing with him.

That was it.

Bucky stood from his seat, gripping the man by the collar and lifting him out of the chair. The man began shaking and spluttering begging to be released. Bucky jabbed a fist into the mans abdomen evoking a cry from him. He dropped the man to the floor and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Why the fuck did he do that?

They were obviously joking, but it still caused that sort of fucking reaction. Over a girl he didn't even like. No, a girl he loathed.

Steve came running out the door after him, asking all he questions he had been asking himself.

"What was that Buck?" 

"Nothing." he grunted, not wanting to face him.

"Well it clearly wasn't nothing you just fucking punched Marcel!" He was seriously angry, Bucky could tell. Even though his voice wasn't particularly loud or harsh, he knew. "What the hell is going on with you Buck. You disappeared last night, not saying a word and leaving your crazily irritating date alone with me. I had to drive her home! Where were you?"

"I was fucking Harley Blaze." He grunted, keeping his voice low, as not to let other people passing by hear.

"I'm sorry, what?" Steve stood back aghast, brow furrowed and arms crossed. 

Fiery Hatred || Bucky Barnes x OCWhere stories live. Discover now