Chapter 14

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"Cam, don't move too fast." Olivia warned me. I sighed and nodded my head, following what my princess said.

"I'm just going to the toilet, Liv. It's not like I'm going on a war." I said jokingly and closed the door. I sit on the toilet bowl for a while thinking of..

"I'll make you mine, and I'll kill your mate."

That voice.. is literally stucked in my head. The fact that, Joanna is trying to make me her's. I can't do that, I can't leave my love and go with her. But I need Olivia to be safe, not cheated and killed. I need to save Olivia from this hella madness. She needs to be happy and complete.

"Cam, are you okay ?" Olivia said from the other side of the door. I quickly stood up from the toilet bowl and exited the bathroom.

"I'm fine. You don't have to worry about it." I said and kissed her head. She frowned and stare at me, searching my problems.

"You know, you can tell me about Joanna. You don't have to hide it, I can dream what you dreamed." Liv said sadly and sits on the bed.

"I don't want you to hurt, baby. You mean a lot to me. I don't know what to do with her." I said and sits next to her, caressing her back smoothly with my hand. She kissed my cheek softly and hugged me.

A knock was heard from the other side of the door, making me walk to it and opened it, revealing a worried Dad. Dad hurried in and closed the door quickly.

"Cameron, Olivia. I need something to tell you girls," Dad said with a scared voice. "Joanna is going to attack our kingdom."

With that, an explosion was heard from outside. I quickly ran to the window to look at what was happening, along with Olivia and Dad.

Everyone is running around in panic. The road is crashed due to the explosion. The kindom is pratically filled with screaming and crying out for help. The guards filled in my room.

"Your Majesty," Gero said to Dad. "Our kingdom is having a war."

"Cameron, call Carter and your friends. NOW." Dad shouted at me. I quickly called Carter, hoping he's with Faricque.

"Cam," Carter said in relief.

"Carter, who are you with?" I asked quickly while we are all running to the safe room that is located secretly in the palace.

"Faricque and the girls, we're in Faricque's shop, in his underground room." Carter said and a voice was heard,

"Cameron," The voice said, it sounds like Faricque's. "I need you to know something, a really important thing."

"I can see the future, and I always got visions of important ceremonies or tragic deaths." Faricque said.

"So, you mean that you can actually see things that is going to happen ?" I asked and hold Olivia's hand, making her smiled a little at me.

"Yes, and I need to tell you something," Faricque paused "The army that attacked us are hybrids, rare hybrids that's controlled by Joanna. I need you guys to be safe and always remember that sh-" Before he could even continue to finish the word, an gunshot was heard in the room.

Someone took the phone from my ear and threw it across the room, the person kicked my leg, making me fall down on the floor.

"Well, well. Look what we got here, Cameron Peters." A female voice said in a sly voice. "Master is going to love my work." I look up and saw a group of men and women with guns, pointing at the guards.

Dad and Olivia tried their best not to kill them for now. My eyes landed on Polly, who's eyes are red as blood. Irene is nowhere to be found, making me feel suspicious. The door blasted open, revealing two bigass wolf running towards the guards, knocking them down. Dad growls and quickly attack some guards by snapping their neck and ripping their throat.

Polly turns into a big white wolf and quickly runs in front of Olivia, protecting her.

I quickly stand up and runs to the female that kicked me down, holding her throat and pushed her against the wall. I held her neck so tight that I can see her veins popping out.

"Where's Joanna?" I asked with the most scariest voice I could mustered up. Making her shiver in fear, she shook her head and I held her even tighter. My eyes glowed in bright red.

"Freds Crealton Bridge." With that, I quickly snapped my fangs in her neck, sucking every ounce of blood in her. She screamed in pain and tries to break free from the cause of it, which is me.

She gasped lowly and fell down on the floor lifelessly, making me proud.

"Cameron," I turned around and saw Carter and Faricque running towards me, hugging me in like a sandwich, I'm seriously in between the boys body.

"I'm glad you guys are safe." Faricque said and freezes, like he'd sense something. Faricque shook his head. His face held fear and sadness.

"We need to go now, her army is going to destroy this palace," Faricque said and quickly guide us out of the palace. He shoved us in a white van, filled with food and other supplies. Carter closed the van door and turned to us.

"Where is Joanna, Cam?" Carter asked.

"The girl said they are at the Freds Crealton Bridge." I said, I can feel Dad's body tensed up. Making me feel suspicious, he turned to us and closed his eyes.

"That's where your mother died." He said grimly. He opened his eyes as tears are falling down his cheek.

"Da-" The van flipped, making the girls screamed in fear. Carter hold Faricque as close as he can, with a scared expression.

I blacked out.

A sob wakes me up from my faint. I am now laying on the road, alone. I stood up slowly and looked around.

The houses are crashed and smashed, the cars are on fire, dead bodies laying on the ground and there are kids running around trying to find their parents, laying on the ground.

Another sob took my attention. I look at the van and saw Carter holding Faricque while sobbing. No, crying. Crying really really hard.

I slowly walk towards them, sitting next to Carter.

Carter sense my presence and sobbed even harder. I look at Faricque and gasped, my heartbeat stopped, making me hard to breathe. Faricque is laying lifelessly in Carter's arms. His skin is pale as a chalk, his lips are blue, his veins are popping out and his chest doesn't even move.

I touch Faricque's hands, cold as ice. Carter hugged Faricque's dead body close to him, while crying and praying that Faricque is still alive.

"Carter.." I said and touch his board shoulder. He shook his head violently.

"HE'S STILL ALIVE, I know. I-I can feel him, h-he's here." Carter sobbed as his words croaked out from his mouth. I can feel tears running down my cheek.

I'm crying because Faricque is dead. I'm crying because Carter has lost the love of his life. I'm crying because everyone else is missing. I'm crying because I don't even know where my own mate is. I'm crying because I didn't help any of them. I'm crying because this is all my fault. I'm crying because I know that everybody knows, that this happens because of me.

I stood up quickly and run. Run to the place that can actually stop this madness, a person.

And you know who it is.

Hiya there, I'm sorry. I've been so damn busy, like really REALLY busy. I promise I will update as fast as I could.


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