Chapter 1

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You had entered an empty seating, well there was one man who seemed to be drinking some water

"I'm sorry to intrude but is it alright if I stay here ?"

"Of course dear go on right ahead."

"Thank you sir. Are you a professor at... hogwarts ?"

"Yes just started, are you new perhaps?"

"I am, just transferred, I'm new to London, been traveling a lot since I was little. "

"Ah I see, we'll hope you are staying, it's such a fine school."

"I already like it! Um the way here it was fun." You smiled

You looked up at the man.

"Pardon me dear but I'm Remus Lupin you?"

"Grindelwald.... Y/n Grindelwald." You smirked

You stuck your hand out for him to shake and he did, nice firm grip. You held onto his hand for a minute, it felt strange, but you immediately let go

"Pleasure to meet you, I also Like your scars sir."

"Oh do you now ?"

"Each scar might tell a story who knows, maybe one day you'll share them with me. If it's alright I prefer to sit next to company."

Lupin smiled a bit

"Of course. What are you reading ??"

"My fathers notebooks of magic. Some what like a diary. I have to ask since I am curious. Who is Sirius Black? He's been all over the papers since I was first got here and I don't know who he is."

Lupin fixed himself

"He's a murder very dangerous man. You shouldn't be seeking that, a girl like you so innocent."

You looked up from your book to look him in the eyes,

"Looks can be deceiving Professor." You winked

Professor Lupin smiled at you, then looked back out the window. Lupin was hiding it very well. As a couple of minutes pass by he was asleep and you kept reading, when the door was sliding open

"Hi sorry could we enter here?"

"Go ahead! I'm sure there is enough space for five." You smiled

A girl and two boys walked in, A redhead, a light brunette and a dark hair boy with glasses. They seemed a bit tense.

"I'm Hermione Granger ! This is Ron Weasley and that's... well Im sure you know him."

You looked up at the girl

"Pleasure to meet you... I'm Grindelwald, Y/n, and who is he?"

"Bloody hell you really don't know?" Asked Ron

You looked at the kid with glasses

"No am I supposed to ?"

"Well he's bloody famous-"

Hermione elbowed Ron and he stopped


"Im Harry, Harry Potter."

"Nice to meet you Harry!"

Harry smiled, he was looking at your features and he was absolutely loving your entire look.

Grindelwald ( Harry Potter x readerWhere stories live. Discover now