Chapter 9

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You were entering the common room when you see the trio laughing

"What's funny?"

"Cho is about to explode as she Kissed Harry-"


"Ow !- what-"

Harry stood up

"Y/n! I'm sorry."

Ron and Hermione looked at you both

"Sorry for what?"

You already knew

"For kissing Cho-"

"Why are you sorry? If you like Cho and she likes you, go for it."

Harry looked unsure

"If I like Cho?"

"Harry it's fine I don't see why your apologizing to me."

Harry nodded

"Yeah I guess your right."

You sat down on the couch next to Ron,

" was a bit obvious she liked you." You said

Harry looked at you,

"Really ?"

You looked at the other two then back and then laughed, everyone started laughing. For a while you've been talking amongst yourselves, having a blast.

"I should've been studying for the OWLS but this was way better." You laughed

Everyone looked at you,

"I wanted to thank you guys."

"For what?" Asked Hermione

You smiled at them as your eyes began to water a bit.

"God knows what I would've been doing if I wasn't taken away from my old life. But ever since I came I longed for friendship, and I met you three and many more ! I'm very thankful! I'm grateful as well cause all you guys are amazing."


"These feelings are completely new to me, whatever I had with Cedric, it was New as well, I ruined that one... I don't want to ruin this one-"

"Hey! You didn't ruin anything with Cedric! He loved you, I'm sure he still does. Whatever you two had was special." Says Hermione

"Hermione's right you two were perfect it was sickening" says Ron

Hermione slightly shoved him as he says Ow. However Harry was quiet, he didn't say anything.

"I just want you to know that I'll do my very best to protect you, I know you can protect yourself but we will be fighting against death eaters. So I'll do my very best to protect you all."

Hermione smiled as did Ron

"Thank you y/n, we appreciate. Well do the very same for you. Your our friend."

You blushed,

"She's right. Your our friend." Smiled Harry

You hugged them three,

"Thank you. For giving me a chance."

You pulled away, you checked the clock and saw it was time

"Oh sorry ! I've got to go!-"

Harry grabbed your hand

"Where you going?"

"To meet a friend. I might come back late, don't wait up Hermione ! Also goodnight if I don't see ya."

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