Chapter 11:

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"It's got to be a powerful memory. You've got to stay focus"

You were walking around as everyone was trying to do a Patronus, as did Harry. You looked at the twins as they were doing it

"Wow good job guys!"

"Hear that Fred?"

"I hear it George"

You just looked at them two when suddenly their patronus was going around you. Two beautiful Magpie's. Beautiful as the two mean Joy. You laughed,

"See she likes it."

"Very much Fred."

Your eyes scanned the room and they met Harry's he was with Luna helping her, his eyes met yours and he sent a smile your way, suddenly the whole room shook. Everyone stopped and looked around, when it happened again, then again and some mirrors fell breaking. You and Harry got closer, then again the wall shook. You looked through a hole and saw Umbridge along with others, Harry saw it too

"I'll make short work of this-"

Harry grabbed your arm and dragged you away

"Bombarda Maxima-"


A huge explosion happened but your spell deflected anything of it hitting any of you, once you dropped the spell the smoke was clearing out,


The spell struck you causing you to fly back,


Your appearance returned to normal as you didn't use the spell anymore,

"Get them."


You stood in Dumbledore office as was Harry. Your mother Sarah, along with Umbridge and the minister, also shacklebolt and Dawlish

"Been watching them for weeks. And see, " Dumbledore's Army"... proof of what I've been telling you right from the beginning, Cornelius. All your fear-mongering about You-Know-Who... never fooled us for a minute. We saw your lies for what they were: A smokescreen for your bid to seize control of the Ministry. "

"Naturally. "

"No, professor. He had nothing to do with it. It was me. "

"It was me as Well."


"Are you kidding me! I started this! You know what that bitch has been saying !"

"Excuse me?" Says Umbridge

She scoffed

"What foul mouth-"

You were slapped across the face,

"Enough. I'm sick of your tantrums. You just like your mother. "

You held your cheek and looked at Sarah. You couldn't believe what she said, Harry couldn't either.

"I'm just a slap magnet aren't I? Do I have a slapable face?"

"y/n and I did it."

"Most noble of you, y/n, Harry, to shield me, but as has been pointed out... the parchment clearly says "Dumbledore's Army," not "Potter's or Grindelwald." I instructed them to form this organization. And I, and I alone, am responsible for its activities. "

"Dispatch an owl to the Daily Prophet. If we hurry, we should still make the morning edition. Dawlish, Shacklebolt, you will escort Dumbledore... to Azkaban... to await trial for conspiracy and sedition. "

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