forty-eight | the unexpected

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Freya was trying, not for herself but for those around her

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Freya was trying, not for herself but for those around her. Through it she had noticed that Alison smiled more, Jacob was a lot more relaxed and her parents could finally breathe. Even Nancy had started to settle, excited to start second grade in a week's time and warming up to Freya again.

But trying didn't keep the nightmares away nor the guilt that constantly ate at Freya. Trying didn't bring back those innocent lives nor stop the Volturi from descending. Freya had called them, pretending to be the siren as she informed the receptionist of her night of freedom and that she hadn't heard any updates from Edward or Bella yet. Pretending to enjoy the death of the local boy hadn't made trying any easier nor had the perkiness of the desperate human on the other end of the line. Yet, pretending had brought her a little while longer at home, and that was something at least.

Then, after, Natalie had tried her best at bringing Freya Swan back to life. The two (with Jacob of course because the poor boy was trapped) had gone out for lunch in Port Angeles before shopping. Natalie didn't flinch at Freya being so close anymore, but the two couldn't forget how the siren had strangled Freya's mother not too long ago.

Freya had even got her haircut that day with the strands now falling just above her shoulders. It was a little weird to get used to but it surprisingly helped — well, until the next full moon, at least. Looking in the mirror, Freya felt like Freya with the new hair, but the siren would soon come stealing that.

It even helped soothe things a little between Jacob and Freya, where after his fingers had touched the strands, admitting that he liked the change. Freya had flushed after, becoming nervous as her mother had teased the two. But they were still yet to discuss what exactly was going on with them, though Freya was certain that she didn't deserve to be loved or forgiven, especially by Jacob Black.

The two now, however, were now on their way to Jacob's house to meet their family. Apparently, the parents had met to discuss the school situation for Jacob and Freya (not that Freya could even concentrate on school with what was going on) with Natalie offering to home school the two until things were figured out. Her uncle Charlie was over, too, where Freya hadn't seen him since the wedding, and then Sue and Shelley was joining them.

Her arms were circled around Jacob on his motorbike, struggling to see through the ridiculous helmet he made her wear. Then, finally, he pulled up outside his house with Freya letting out a relieved breath — she wasn't a fan of being a passenger on the motorbike.

"What do I even say to Charlie?" Freya questioned, once Jacob had cut off the engine.

She climbed off as Jacob answered: "Freya, you're thinking too much into it. Your parents told him that you're having a hard time right now, so it'll be fine."

Freya shrugged, looking away. "Mom told me he's been helping the sheriff of Beaver with his case."

It was just a missing person case, but Charlie had helped with the search by looking for Lewis Donovan in the Forks area. Freya had seen the search parties; had seen the grieving family and friends online. Now she was to go inside and remind herself that Charlie was oblivious that his niece was a murderer.

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