Part 3

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**Knock's POV**

When I had walked into the office I could tell there was something going on but I never would have imagined it being all that. 

We've been driving for about an hour and a half  as Max continues to rant about the secret his father had been keeping. 

To be honest it was a lot to process...

I thought his father was just an asshole that was stuck up about his image and tough love but we were all wrong on so many levels. 

I could see the affect it was having on Max and I didn't like that. He's had a fist the entire car ride and the yelling is starting to make my ears ring but I would never tell him to stop because he needs this right now. 

My job is to listen and follow behind his father who was driving a few cars ahead of us. 

There is something I want to ask him about, their was a image on his fathers desk that I had glanced at when I walked in and it was the same guy that had told me to kill my best friend. 

Did Max's dad have a part in my own death?

As my mind wandered I noticed that Max had gone silent and it made me glance over at him.

Knock: He was staring straight at me with a weird expression on his face. "What?"

Max: He reaches over and wipes my cheek. "Why are you crying?"

Knock: I look up into the rearview mirror and sure enough I had been crying. Fuck... "I was just thinking about everything, I'm sorry things turned out this way."

Max: He lets out a sigh before sliding his hand onto my thigh. "You have no reason to be sorry, no matter how upset I am there's no excuse to take it out on you like this." I could feel his thumb rubbing against my thigh. "How are you cravings?"

Knock: That made me groan because I had actually forgotten about them until he mentioned them. "It's okay for the most part, it's just when I go outside or roll down the windows it feels almost like I can't breath. I didn't realize that you can quiet literally smell the blood from inside someone."

Max: Even though I was being serious he started to laugh as he glances out the window. "You get use to it after a while. Don't worry I'll feed you enough so that your okay."

Knock: "But if your feeding me than who is going to feed you?"

Max: He points at himself. "I'm the experimental birth remember, apparently there's a lot of things that I can do. I don't think I need to feed like I thought I did so I should be fine..." 

I felt slightly disappointed that he wouldn't be feeding off of me anymore, I've grown to love feeling our connection when our minds connect and the way he looked so powerless to me when I told him to feed.

I guess now it's my turn to feel powerless to him and the lure of blood...

Knock: "Don't let me drain you too much okay? You need to keep your strength up."

Max: "Let me worry about that, I've got this."

Knock: "Your not alone Max, if you need to lean on me than do so. Don't try doing this all by yourself okay?"

Max: "I won't..."

Knock: I was awkwardly tapping the steering wheel as I think about where were going. "Soo... You have a sister? How do you feel about that?"

Max: "I don't really know. It's hard to process that I have anymore siblings since siblings as a vampire is forbidden. My father really likes breaking all of the rules huh?"

End Game - CR Prequel (Completed) 18+Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora