Part 8

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**Bright's POV**

It's been 13 days since Gun brought Win to the hideout and honestly the drastic change that he went through mentally still trips me out every once in a while. 

The first day he was here he woke up yelling and cussing at everyone to let him go see his husband and how everyone was going to die. Than Ren came by and went into the room for an hour before leaving. 

When I had gone on my next break Win was a completely different person, now he's convinced he was a orphaned unloved nobody his entire life and doesn't care whether or not he dies. 

I have respect for Ren because of what he has done for me ever since my parents were killed and I was abandoned but that doesn't mean I agree with the decisions he has made. 

Erasing his sons entire life is something no sane person can ever do. He's took everyone away from Win, his siblings, his husband, his friends and family.


The man Ren was once friends with really is a psycho path which is why I try my best to do whatever he says without hesitation. Staying alive in this maze of death that he has created is my number one priority. 

At first I wanted to accomplish my mission just to repay Ren but now I want to do it for entirely new reasons. I want to free Win so he can experience life again. He doesn't deserve to believe in the fact that he was never worth anything. 

That his life was meaningless...

Even if he isn't human he shouldn't be treated this way, I should have a deep hatred for vampires for killing my family but I don't like death for any reason. Not every vampire is bad just like how every human isn't bad.

 You can't blame an entire species for the actions of others...

I hope I get my message soon, I really want to get out of here as soon as possible and hope that I don't get killed in the process.

Right now I've been stuck with the task of hunting down Drake as well as keeping Win alive and making sure he is well enough to continue contributing venom. 

Ren wants me to burn the warehouse down when Max and the rest get here so hopefully the nightmare will be over soon. 

After closing the door behind me once I was positive Win had fallen asleep I start to walk down the hallway when the sound of footsteps echo's behind me. 

It made me a little nervous because at this hour there shouldn't be anyone on this floor so I tried to avoid looking behind me as I continue to head for my office. 

No matter how close I got to my office though the footsteps continued until I stop in front of the door and unlock it with my keys. I was able to slip in and almost avoid disaster when a hand slides in the way of my closing the door. 

Bright: He pushes it open with a creepy smile on his face as I back up to my desk and slowly sit down in my seat. "What do you want?"

Gun: He walks up to the front of my desk before resting his hands on the edges. "I was wondering if you could do me a favor real quick."

Bright: "Does Mike know your in here at this hour?"

Gun: He looked annoyed as he glances at the charts on the walls. "This has nothing to do with Mike. I want you to open the DNA scanner."

Bright: "To Win's cell?"

Gun: "Yes the one to Win's cell."

Bright: "Why? The last time you were in there you tried to kill him in his sleep."

Gun: "I know what I did, I just can't get it out of my head. I want to ask him about the day Zee died. I want to know what happened."

Bright: This is meaningless "As far as I know Win wasn't there when everything happened. Plus asking him now would be pointless, he doesn't remember anything."

Gun: "That's not possible, he has to remember something."

Bright: I let out a sigh as I look up at him with annoyance. "Ren wiped his memories after the DNA lock was installed. He doesn't know anything, he doesn't even know who he was."

Gun: Maybe telling him that was a bad idea though because he looked pissed. "Why would they do that? HE COULD HAVE KNOWN SOMETHING!?!"

Bright: Not really feeling like dealing with his tantrum I just look down at my sheets of data before mumbling. "If you have any questions you should ask Mike, it was under his orders to erase his memories. If you have a problem go bother him with it, I have a lot of work I need to do so I really could be using my time a little more wisely right now."

Gun: "You little..."

Bright: I knew I was playing with fire talking to him like this but today was emotionally and mentally exhausting. I have no patience for this right now. "Don't do anything stupid, you only need to wait another week and then you can destroy the entire vampire species. What Win could have known isn't important. There won't be any vampires left after this."

Gun: I could tell that he still had plenty of things to say to me but he decided to bite his tongue instead as he glares at me. "You know what, your right. Everyone will be dead soon and everything Zee wanted in this world will come true. He hates vampires more than anything, i there all gone hell be able to rest in peace and finally reincarnate like he was suppose to. Than we can be together."

Bright: Isn't he sleeping with Mike? "Did you forget that you are also a vampire?"

Gun: He looks down at himself as he slowly takes a step away from the desk and heads for the door.  "I'm different... He would love me no matter what..." I just stared at him as he pulls open the door and walks out of it. "He would..."

He didn't even bother closing the door behind him and it kind of pissed me off but I'm just glad he had left without trying to hurt me again. I think the worst thing he's done is break my arm so I should be good until the day I can get out of here and drop off the face of the earth.

I hate it here, I absolutely hate it...

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