Part 19

187 19 29

**Max's POV**

I really wish I could throw a dagger at every single one of these speakers that sounded all of these alarms. It was causing an unusual ringing sound in my ears and I don't like it. 

With that and than no map to go off of it was getting rather difficult to remember which way we were suppose to turn to find the storage room. 

I hate that we had to leave Mew and Tong back there to fight for themselves but there wasn't any other options for us to choose no matter how many times I went over it in my mind. 

There are too many factors right now and I still have the issue of not knowing whether or not Win is here. His blood is everywhere in this place and it is hard to figure out where it could be coming from. 

Before even looking for the storage room I made Knock and I run down 4 dead end hallways that left no trail of Win after wards. It was like his blood was spilt all over the warehouse and than he vanished without a trace. 

After the first 10 minutes of searching Knock had told me that we didn't have time for it and I had to reluctantly head back with him toward the second corridor. Now that we were just standing here I couldn't help but stare at each hallway coming out of it in confusion. 

My head hurts...

Knock: He grabbed my arm and slowly pulled me into his arms before leaning his head on my shoulder. "You need to breath Max, I promise that we will find him after we finish this but for now we need to blow up the storage room. There's still a very good chance that he could be on the road far away from here by now."

Max: I knew he was right as I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm my nerves and allow the ringing in my ears to dull down enough for me to think. "I wasn't able to say goodbye to him..."

Knock: "You will Max, you will. Let's just finish this first and than I will help you look for him, no matter how long it takes or how far we have to go we will find him. Okay?"

Max: I just nod into his shoulder before pulling away with a small sad smile. "Okay..."

Knock: "I'm glad but now we really do need to go. Who knows how long Mew and Tong can deal with him on there own..."

He kept a strong grip on my hand as I look around us and finally decide to go down the west hallway from memory. His little pep talked did help a tiny bit when it came to calming me down enough to think but that worry will always be in the back of my head. 

It will be there until I can see him face to face and know for a fact that he is alive...

After another two hallway changes and busting down a door that had a key card lock on it we entered a dimly lit room that was filled with big wooden crates. 

Max: Muttering under my breath as I find the light switch on the side of the wall. "Holy shit..."

Knock: "They were able to make this much in the span of two weeks?"

Max: "I didn't even know a vampire could produce this much venom..."

Knock: "Well you didn't really know you guys carried venom like that until a little while ago."

Max: "Yea but still, can you imagine what they would have to do to him to make this much?" Whispering. "He must be in so much pain..."

Knock: "Max don't go there right now, stay focused..."



Looking around I could tell that there wasnt a whole lot of things in here but boxes upon boxes of thin cases. There was lockers on one side of the room but they were all closed and that made this even more difficult to start. What the hell are we going to use to start a fire?

End Game - CR Prequel (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now