Bonus Part ~2~

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**Win's POV**

It's been nearly 7 years since we ever drove this far for anything and I was already exhausted from the drive over here. 

We left around 2 in the morning this morning to get here early before the wedding started and since it's a 14 hour drive we get there around 4 in the afternoon. The ceremony didn't start until 5ish. 

Than we stayed for about 5 hours before leaving to head back home. We need to be back before 6 in the afternoon tomorrow so we can get home before dinner that way we can be on schedule by the time we get back. 

I am absolutely exhausted mentally and physically and I'm not even the one that has been driving this entire time. 

Which is why Bright and I have decided that it would be best to get a hotel after 7 hours of driving and sleep for about 6 hours before heading back on the road for another 7 hours. 

Yes we did all of that math, it was even more exhausting but worth it because now we can rest a bit. 

Bright was currently pulling into the hotel to park so we could visit the lobby to see if they will accept anyone else. It is 5 in the morning so most places are probably closed at the front desk right now. 

He pulled into a spot as I leaned my head against the  window to close my eyes. 

Today drained me a lot more than I thought it would, all of these years I had been feeling slightly guilty for dropping out of there lives even though I knew it was the best thing I could do for them and I had no idea how I could contact them without sounding strange so I just left it alone. 

Than Bright mentioned it to me that Max and Knock were getting married and invited me to attend with him since he had promised Max's dad that he would go and take pictures so he could see too. 

I don't really know why Bright is still in contact with that man but I guess it's the loyalty from when he saved Bright's life. 

Anyways after he convinced me to go I was a nervous wreck thinking that they wouldn't want me back since I abandoned them but to my surprise they all welcomed me back with open arms. Especially Max and I found it strange at first but I got use to it over time. 

After spending 5 hours there I could feel myself growing attached with that family by the time we had to leave. 

Mother is loving.

Evelyn is energetic.

Yu is mischievous.

Knock is kind. 

Max is understanding.

and Tong was happy...

Now that were going back home the entire wedding feels like a strange dream, kind of like a home away from my reality. 

I'm glad they said I am welcome to come by again, I may have to plan another trip down there with Bright. Next time we should plan things a bit better though so Bright isn't driving 28 hours in 2 days. 

Even I know that's too much...

Win: There was a soft tapping against my window making me move away until I could see that it was just Bright. I push open the door in confusion. "Did they have a room available?"

Bright: "Yea they did, it's a bit more expensive than I would like but I'm kind of caring about sleep more than money at this point..."

Win: That made me laugh as I unbuckle myself and grab my things before getting out. "It's okay, we've been saving up for a while and we don't actually go anywhere or buy anything so it's not like were short on money."

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