Part 9

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**Max's POV** 

- Day 3 - (Four day's before the council shows up)

Evelyn: *Dear Max, today is my 138th birthday, I asked dad how to make a cake. He said he was busy though so I had to rely on the instructions on the back until he was able to come home. Unfortunately my first attempt didn't go very well. I might have ended up burning the bottom layer because I left it in for too long. Which is why I had to cut it in half and try to ice what was left. Than I made a rookie mistake and forgot to let the cake cool down before I iced it. By the time It was time to blow out candles and make a wish I was staring at a pile of crumbled cake and icing goo. I wanted to act like everything was okay but I was really looking forward to doing something on my own. Maybe next year I will ask dad for some cook books and see how well I can improve until the day you stop by. I always ask about you and Win hoping that one day you might send me a letter or show up at the house when dad comes by but my hopes for that have slowly died down. It's understandable if the two of you don't want to accept me, dad says it's dangerous for us to meet. Maybe one day you can help me make my birthday cake. That would be really nice... Anyways dad came home around midnight and saw the mound on the table with horror on his face before rushing off to buy me a proper cake. It was already too late though, my wish was already granted. I wanted to see him before I closed my eyes. It might sound like I'm complaining but he's the only family I really know and the idea of spending my entire birthday by myself makes me sad. Even if he was only here for a few minutes it would have been enough. Thankfully he stayed with me and ate cake while watching a movie before going home around 5-ish. This year wasn't a complete failure but I miss you guys. Anyways, that's my update for you. I'll write another letter for you tomorrow. I love you guys, love Evelyn.*

Knock: I wasn't even aware that he had walked into the room while I was reading and it scared me a little bit when he rested his hand on my shoulder. "You reading again?"

Max: Looking up at him I wipe my cheek with the back of my hand as I fold the letter and slide it back into the envelope. "Yea, I promised her that I would read them. I've gotten pretty far so far, this one was written on her 138th birthday."

Knock: He slowly sit's down next to me before resting his head against the frame of the bed as I lean against his shoulder. "I knew you had gotten far, all you did last night was read."

Max: I couldn't help but laugh as I stare at the piles of boxes laid around me. "Well it's not like we had much choice last night. Gulf and Mew were making so much noise last night that the sound was coming through our walls. I'm surprised they didn't wake up Yu."

Knock: "They did technically give us a warning to move to a different room though."

Max: I just rolls my eyes as I set the letter down and grab his hand. "I'm not going to get kicked out of my own room, plus I'm not even sure how much sleep I would have gotten either way. I can't really sleep knowing that Win is in that building all alone not knowing who anyone is."

Knock: "Well get him back, today were suppose to be gathering to freshen up on our combat skills which I havent done in over 50 years so it will be helpful. Plus Tong will be joining us so hopefully seeing him relax a little more will help you feel better."

Max: "He's only relaxed because he believes he's training for a war that isn't going to happen. He has no idea what's actually going on but your right seeing him take his anger out on something might help me feel better."

Knock: "I know your worried but well get him back. This time everything will work out, I know I keep saying that but I'm confident that no matter what the three of you will be okay. I'm going to make sure of it, you will live by the end of this."

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