Part 7

200 23 7

**Win's POV**

Time is strange for me here. 

When I'm not under anesthesia all I feel is a burning sensation under my skin like there's something burning me from the inside out. My brain continues to tell me that I shouldn't be thinking these things because I know it's just tubes under my skin but no matter how hard I try to forget about it I can't. 

It also doesn't help that I have anything to occupy myself with when it comes to people because I don't know anybody. As far as I know both my parents died when I was young by hunters, so I went to school and always stayed to myself. 

I never allowed myself to make any friends whenever I went to school over and over again so when I got snatched it's not like anyone would miss me when I'm gone. 

All I know in this dank and musty place full of white lights and metal beds is the asshole that put me here a few days ago while I was on vacation, his equally psycho boyfriend and than the doctor guy that checks up on me.

I'm not fully sure if he really is a doctor though, sure he helps heal my wounds and bruises. Usually brings me my food and sometimes has small conversations with me when he has time before his next shift starts. 

So maybe he's not a doctor but I like calling him a doctor it fits him. 

What I don't get though is that he's too kind to be working in a place like this so why would he volunteer to follow a guy that is completely insane. I mean he has a delusion that whatever it is that there pulling out of me is some sort of lethal weapon to vampires and that's ridiculous. 

You would think I would know if I had something like that in my body. 

Than again I never really knew too much about my own kind to begin with, I never had any interest too. It wasn't important to me, staying alive and sticking to myself thats what was important to me. 

So being vulnerable in a situation like this just pisses me off. 

It's almost like that guy likes to see me in pain and it makes me want to throw up or hit him with something. 

It makes me feel ashamed of myself and I don't like that...

Bright: The door to the cell was pushed open and my heart began to race until a familiar face showed up. Thank god it's only him. "How are you feeling?"

Win: I just glance at the blisters on my wrists and ankles before looking at the small tubes attached to every corner of my body. "How do you think I'm feeling?"

Bright: He closes the door behind him with a smile. "I think your doing completely fine today, your a little more witty than usual."

Win: "Yea well you try staring at these walls day and night with the only company of a machine that makes strange gurgling sounds every few hours. Your days start to blur together and in a way it doesnt seem real. Yea I'm in pain for most of the day but atleast I get knocked out whenever you come in to detach the machine at night."

Bright: "Does it really hurt that badly?"

Win: I give him a small nod before glancing away from him. "Yea, it feels like someone cut me open and started a fire in my body and than sewed me shut with the fire still burning inside."

Bright: "Sounds, painful..."

Win: "You have no idea."

Bright: He walks over to me and sits down by my side before leaning over my body to turn off the machine. "It's a good thing it's time to put you to sleep than..."

Win: "Yea..." 

He wouldn't look at me as he slowly pulls each tube from me as I grit my teeth and squeeze my eyes shut before letting out a sigh of relief when each one slides out from under my flesh. I was starting to pant deeply until he begins to hum a soft melody that seemed to calm down my nerves until he brings his hands back to his sides. 

End Game - CR Prequel (Completed) 18+Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz