Part 16

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**Ello my Little Sprinkles, I just wanted to say that I know it's been a little over a month since the last time I updated this story but I have every intention of Finishing it by the end of this week. There are only 16 chapters left so I hope you come back to finish this journey with me. Thank you for the patience, I love you guys!!**

**Bright's POV** 

Pushing open the door to the bathroom I collapse against one of the stall doors before crawling my way toward the toilet so I could hurl. 

The image of that poor woman's body rotting off her bones until only a mass of goo was left was the only thing replaying in my mind. I knew that Win's venom was important but I never would have guessed how deadly it actually was to the vampire special. 

A part of me was hoping that Mike had been bluffing this entire time...

After a good 5 minutes of loosing my breakfast and dinner from the night before I wipe my mouth with the corner of my hand and flush the toilet before the corner of my eyes began to grow wet. 

Why does such evil people have to exist in this world?

Slowly sitting up I press my back against the side of the stall and try to calm my breathing and get a grip of myself. 

You can do this Bright, only a few more days and than it's over.

Just a few more days...

I should check on Win, it's almost time for him to get some sleep and I could hear his screams when I had to walk past his cell to the makeshift science room. 

Hopefully my stomach can stop turning by the time I get there, I don't want to scare him or give him a reason to doubt me. For someone that's had there entire lives ripped from there minds, he is really good at reading people. 

He's also really smart and knows when to back down. 

Let's just hope he actually listens to me and leaves when the time comes...

Looking down at my hands I could see that they were still shaking but it wasn't as bad as it was a few minutes ago so I put some weight against the stall door and pushed myself up before taking a few more deep breathes to steady my legs. 

Death is a disgusting and brutal thing...

Taking a look in the mirror I could see that my eyes were read and I looked a little pale as my skin was covered in a thin layer of sweat. 

Great, I look like I've seen a ghost. 

I need to fix this.

Grabbing a napkin from the counter I dab it in the water from the sink and start to wash my face off before letting out a small sigh of relief. Just the feeling of the cool water against my skin was helping my mind to clear up from the chaotic storm that was trying to take over. 

When I no longer felt sick or looked like I had seen a ghost in the last 30 minutes I push open the bathroom door and walk down the hall before taking a left turn toward Win's room. 

I could hear his muffled cries coming from the door way and it tugged at my heart. 

This poor man...

Trying to ignore what I was hearing I make my way toward the fridge in the storage room and grab some apple sauce and a sand which. He might not eat much but he needs to eat something.

By the time I made it back to his door his room was silent and I guess he must have passed out again.

Placing my hand on the recognition pad by the door I watched the red light turn green before pushing open the door to find Win passed out on his metal framed bed and the many thin tubes pushed into his skin. 

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