Part 13

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**Tong's POV**

I really don't want to go to this freaking lunch/ dinner meet. I have no interest meeting one of Tul's childhood friends but I feel like I should at the same time because I'm staring to loose it more than I already am by staying in that house longer than I need to. 

After all of this is over I'm going to get rid of Win from my thoughts once and for all so to make sure I go through it in the end. I need to stay focused and not let my grief take over me. 

It's a little hard to do that though when TRAFFIC IS BEING A BITCH!!

Tong: I honk my horn at the car in front of me because he keeps break checking me and it's pissing me off. "FUCKING DRIVE IDIOT!!"

There was a car to his left that pulled in front of him causing the asshole to swerve into the other lane. I took that chance to speed away from the two idiots so I didn't end up becoming collateral damage. 

I might not be able to get hurt as much as a human would but Win's car would get damaged and that is something I am not okay with. 

Thankfully there wasn't anymore idiots on the road by the time I made it to the café and I was able to park my car in one piece. 

Now that I was able to calm down a little bit I released my death grips that were on the steering wheel and put them in my lap. 

Just go in say hi, act like nothing happened, eat, and than leave first after Tul is satisfied that I spent some time with them. 

Yea that's what I'm going to do...

Turning off the car I open the door and walk out before slamming the door to head toward the front door of the café. 

Max and Tul are rather easy to recognize once I was in front of the front window before going inside but the back of the head of the person sitting next to Tul looked familiar to me, I'm just not really sure how. 

I've seen a lot of people in my life time so I wouldn't be surprised If I've seen them before, I meet people that I met 20 years ago and they point out the fact that I havent aged so I have to wipe there memory. 

Shaking my head I push open the door as the bell goes off causing Max to look up at me in confusion probably because of how heavy I was still breathing as I make my way over to them with a forced smile. 

Tong: I was almost to the table when I take a deep breath. "Hey guys, I'm sorry for being late there was a lot of tra..." The person sitting next to Tul turned around with a creepy smile of possession as the blood in my veins ran cold and my heart stopped. I could feel my body starting to tremble as flash backs of the second worst days of my life flash through my mind. Why the fuck is he hear? How did he know were to find me? Is he going to hurt me this time too? "W-why... W-hy... Wh..."

Max: I could see the confusion deepen in his face as my legs start to get worse and the lights in the café looked like they were spinning. "Tong are you okay?"

I wanted to open my mouth to give him a response but when I did nothing come out and nothing else moved to my will as I began to cry. 

I don't want to go back there...

Please don't take me away...

Knock: He stand up with worry before he starts to rub my arms reassuringly even though it wasn't doing much for the never end wave of fear that was hitting me one after another. "Hey what's wrong? If you weren't ready to come out yet than I am sorry, we can bring you straight home." Why can't I speak?... He turns toward Drake with concern. Don't look at him like that, if you knew who that man was you would tremble in fear too... "Hey Drake I'm sorry for cutting our visit short since I just got here but my friend needs me right now. Can we reschedule?"

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