Part 6

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**Mike's POV**

Everything is going as planned, when people have emotional ties that they don't understand they become weak. The more people one person cares about the more weak they become. 

After loosing the only person I have ever loved I refuse to get close to anyone without an ulterior motive. 

Thankfully everything I have been planning has been coming together and it's almost time to wipe out two enemy's at once. The VHS and the vampires will end up killing each other which will give me the chance to rise up and become the ruler over both species. 

The time of the council and the hunters is over. 

Looking down I could see Gun laying across my chest with his fingers dug into my side as he mutters in his sleep. I would have killed him a long time ago if he wasn't so helpful to me. It's easy to make him believe I'm in love with him because than he gets cocky. I already know he has no intention of loving anyone but himself. 

The only thing left in his heart is revenge for Zee which he is convinced will be accomplished when he brings pain to Zen's family. Little does he know he's been sleeping with the man that ordered the death of his loved one for 20 years. 

It's so twisted that I kind of love it. 

Feelings truly are for the weak, how else would I have been able to push around Zen for years by keeping his family on a tight leash. The girl he use to love was too simple to kill and he had such a kind heart that I already knew he would end up caring for his family in the end. He was just kidding himself if he really thought he would be okay sacrificing his own children. 

Honestly the last 200 years has been fun, I've basically just been fucking with him longer than I needed to because I know that as soon as I let my plan unravel everything will go to shit. It will take years to rebuild anything from the ruble that is left. 

Right now I can't bother thinking about any of that though, I have a few more things I need to take care of before the council get here and I use the venom to bring them all to there knee's.

Grabbing Gun's arm I detach his nails from my side before rolling him onto his side as I move out of the bed and throw on some clothes. He tends to sleep late so I never worry about him waking up whenever I leave. 

Glancing behind me I could see that he had pulled a pillow to his chest and it made me chuckle as I pull open my door and glance down the hall at one of the VHS body guards.

Mike: "Did you bring her?"

Bright: He takes a slight bow before heading down the hallway with me. "Yes, she was suppose to get on a flight this morning to meet her son in the US but we were able to grab her before she boarded."

Mike: "Good, what room is she in?"

Bright: He hands me a sheet of paper with all the names of her now dead body guards along with the last known location of her son. "She is in the 3rd examination room down the hall from Win."

Mike: "You keep trying to find Drake, he won't be far once he figures out that his mother isn't going to show up. I don't want any loose strings, I want every member of that family dead."

Bright: "Yes sir, well keep looking."

Mike: I hand back the clip board before stopping in front of the 3rd examination room. "Call me when you find him."

Everyone that truly works with me knows to never push my patience which is why he immediately bowed and took off down the hall. Everyone is expendable, if I get rid of one I can just make another. 

End Game - CR Prequel (Completed) 18+Where stories live. Discover now