Part 20

174 20 18

**Win's POV**

**8 Hours Later**





It's the only things we drove past since they pulled me out of that hell hole. 

Bright was convinced that we needed to drive and continue to drive until midnight hit. With that said we still have about 4 hours left to go and at this point I can't even recognize the roads we were driving down. 

Fluke fell asleep in the backseat almost as soon as we left mainly from exhaustion and shock since I guess he was never a part of the plan. 

Atleast a part of the plan that Bright had told me about, I could tell that there were other parts he wasn't telling me about either but he got me away from the machines and scary people so I want to trust him. 

If he doesn't think I should know than I want to understand. 

I have no one else...

Bright: We had stopped at a red light as he glances over at my arm with concern. "Has it healed yet?"

Win: Looking down I could see the bandage that was wrapped around my arm before I pulled it away one piece at a time revealing clean and clear skin. "Seems like it, you don't have to worry about me though. I've obviously been through worse."

Bright: "I know... I just feel bad that I had to cut you so we could use your blood as a distraction."

Win: "If you hadn't done that than we would have gotten caught."

Bright: "I know, I just don't like seeing you in pain. You've spent the last 2 weeks hooked up to a death machine. It wasn't fair to you, I should have cut my own arm."

Win: "Don't be stupid, I wouldn't even be alive right now if it wasn't for your help. You know that."

Bright: Muttering under his breath as he continues to drive. "I didn't really do much..."

I don't think I was suppose to hear that so I just pretended like I hadn't and silently looked out the window once again. He probably forgot about the whole super hearing thing that vampires have. There may not have been roll models in my life for very long but even I know the basics. 

The sound of Fluke snoring ran through the car and that made me look over at Bright as we both grinned before laughing. 

He really has no care for what is going on huh?

I don't really know a whole lot about Fluke other than the fact that he worked at the warehouse for Mike and he didn't like violence. Bright would talk about him every once in a while whenever Fluke would do something that inspired him but other than that, nothing. 

He seems like a good person for the most part though so I'm not too worried about bringing him along with us. 

Win: "Hey bright? Is there an actual place were trying to get to or are you really just driving until midnight and than seeing whats around us?"

Bright: "My instructions were to pick a direction and drive until Midnight. Originally I was suppose to bring you to a certain apartment complex and than keep you there for a week or two to make sure you were safe before bringing you back but now plans have changed."

Win: "...Bring me back where?"

Bright: "Your family." I was just staring at him in confusion as pure panic appears on his face showing that he wasn't suppose to say that. "I-I mean the people that asked me to get you out."

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