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warning: sad sapnap

it's bright and early in the morning, when sapnap wakes up. he packs a suit case fast enough, so the boys don't wake up to the scattered noises. he completely throws in clothes, shirts, pants, socks and more.

he runs down the steps, grabbing his keys. he opens the door, slams it shut and runs to his car quickly. clay suddenly wakes up to the door slamming, but thinks it's nothing so falls back asleep.

9:37 am

clay and george finally wake up. they go to wake sapnap up, as usually to find him not in his room. "uhh, maybe he is downstairs?" george asks concerned.

they run down the steps to find him not there, and then they go outside to check if his car was there, which it wasn't.

hey man, where are you?
9:42 am

just felt like going somewhere new.
10:13 am

george starts getting worried. "do you think he's mad at us..?" george asks, looking at clay sadly. "what did we do?" clay responds, "well i feel like we sorta left him out i guess" george says.

"he's fine, he always does this" clay says, "i guess your right.." george says. 'wait but is he okay..' george thinks to himself.

end of chapter 17

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