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warning: 💋

they head home. after that hectic situation, dreams wants to have a long conversation with george. when the arrive home, sapnap heads inside, while the two boys stay in the car.

"dream i'm sorry-" george says looking out the window. "george why did you want to see him so bad and why'd you want to leave us." dream skips to conclusions and asks. "i just miss him.." george says, but they both knows that's not true.

"the truth?" he asks. "it is.." george says acting confused. "george stop lying i know you to well. you always look away when you lie" he says getting upset and mad at why george is lying.

"okay, okay. i'm sorry." george says, pulling out his phone as dream looks confused. he pulls up his boyfriends messages and shows dream. dream suddenly makes a shocked face.

"oh my god, i'm so sorry george i never knew," dream says feeling super bad. "he's abusive?" he adds, "yeah, he is. he used to hurt me. starve me. my only excape was streaming. and then i left without permission and i'm- i'm scared." he said starting to cry softly.

"it's okay george i'm here." he says supporting george the most he can during his darkest time. dream leaves the car and goes to george's side or the passenger side. he makes a hand gesture to hug him.
he pulls george into the most intense and satisfying hug.

he rubs george's back slightly which sets off butterflies in his stomach. dream makes george feel safe. extremly safe. dream knew how he felt, but the the question is, does george feel the same way?

they looked into eachother's eyes, and dream made the move. he pulled george into his lips. they kissed. finally, the two lovers did it.

the two boys who didn't know what to feel about eachother, kissed. dream pulls away, quickly. "oh my gosh, i'm so sorry i did that without consent.." he says scared george will get mad.

but what he didn't know, is george wanted it. all george does was hug him tightly again which makes dream happy.

they head inside when they hear lightning strike, the noise making george jump in fear. they go to their porch and sit together. "dream can i tell you something?" george says looking at him. the two boys stood in the rain too long they got drenched.

"of course." he says, smiling. "i love you.. i really do. but it's way to hard to break up with him.. and i don't like him. he's changed. he isn't his old self." he says putting his head on dream's stomach.

end of chapter 22

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