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Johannah Poulston and Troy Austin were married three years before the attack. Once the world started falling apart the couple decided to leave the city. In the big cities people fought for food. Scavengers were everywhere and would murder whole families for a loaf of bread. They needed to find somewhere safe to live and start a life again. The caves seemed like the best option. They were far from the city and the Fearsome Five never checked caves for people.

Louis Tomlinson was born in a dark cave by Johannah Poulston and Troy Austin. The baby lived a sad life moving from cave to cave hiding from the Fearsome Five. Life was miserable for the cave dwellers. They never saw the sunlight and lived with rats and bugs crawling on them while they slept. The food was always wet and mushy and the water they drank was a murky color. Louis played with the other children in the cave never leaving the sight of his parents. Stories were told of kids who went exploring and never came back.

The boy’s parents knew their kid was special. Louis was not scared of the rats, but instead played with them. The rats normally bit the children and stole food, but with Louis they were kind. The animals snuggled with the boy when he went to bed and brought him pieces of their food. Johannah was amazed of her child.  

Troy looked at a sleeping Lou and sighed, running his through his knotty hair “Do you think something is wrong with Louis. Like maybe nuclear waste messed him up.”

Rolling her eyes Johannah went to her husband and smirked, saying “Nothing is wrong with our child Troy. He is special. Louis is god sent gift. I think he will save the world.”

“Let’s just go to bed.” Troy suggested laying down on the other side of Louis. Nodding her head Johannah climbed next to her husband resting her head on his chest.

Louis came running over to his mom and dad practically bouncing in excitement. “Look what I found” he yelled showing a seed he picked.

“Thats great sweety. How about we go outside and grab some soil and a pot to put it in.” Johannah hummed grabbing Louis’s hand. Troy grabbed the other and they swung Louis around. The caves erupted with laughter and glee. After retrieving a pot and soil, the seed was planted.

Troy wondered how Louis found a seed and what the flower would be. He didn’t think the plant would grow, though since there was no sunlight in the cave and clear water to give the plant. Troy did not tell Lou though, because he didn’t want to break his kid’s heart.   

Johannah woke up to Louis jumping on top of her. Groaning she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Troy awake as well shooting daggers at his kid. “Lou you better have a good reason for waking me up”, Troy groaned while stretching his arms.

“Look at my plant. It grew.” Louis beamed bringing over the pot.

Troy was ready to roll his eyes when the pot caught his eye. Instead of it being empty the pot was filled with grass. Sprouting out was a 4 foot tall vine with fruit growing off of it. Troy’s mouth hung open. How the hell did this happen, he thought. Louis was something special. Maybe Freedom Fighters special.

Pulling aside his wife who was filled with just the same amount of shock Troy whispered “Louis is definitely special. I think he might be one of the five the prophecy foretold. We have to contact the Freedom Fighters. Maybe he can help destroy the Fearsome Five.”

“He’s just a child Troy. He is only five years old.” Johannah screamed hitting her husband on the chest.

“Every kid has to grow up. I’m going to go contact the rebels. Keep Lou hidden.” Troy ordered as he left his cave.

Troy remembered when the cave became a community he was on the founders of it. Them representatives from the Freedom Fighters came. They told of a prophecy and to report anything. The people went to every community and spread the tale around the world. Freedom Fighters were everywhere. They wore special marks and spoke in codes. Troy went to the one of their bases to report his son. The rebel’s eyes filled with hope. This was their first sign that the prophecy was true.

“Wait here sir. I’m going to go get our leader Simon. He is here visiting the base today.” the rebel said before scurrying off. Simon moved around the world recruiting new member for his cause getting a small army together. He was in a new base every week.

“Hi Louis my a name is Simon and you are a very special boy” Simon spoke crouching on his arms so he could look the boy in the eyes.

“I know”, Louis mumbled, turning away from the stranger.

“This is going to sound scary, but Louis you have powers. Powers that will help the human race defeat the Fearsome Five and reclaim the Earth.”

“Really!” Louis exclaimed.

“Yup but we have to come with me and my friends if you want to save the world.” Simon replied.

“Do mommy and daddy get to go too?” Lou asked.

Looking at the ground Simon whispered “No, but you have to come Louis. The whole world is depending on you.”

Louis agreed to go with Simon. He hugged his parents goodbye knowing he probably would never see them again. Johannah hugged her husband crying into his chest. Tears glistened down Troy’s face as he waved his child goodbye. “Make us proud” he whispered practically carrying his wife back inside the cave.

Louis was the first of the five recruited for the prophecy. He was taken to a base in Scotland, where he would be trained by a woman named Caroline Watson.

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