The Final Battle Part 2

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The five boys ran to the main battle, entering the clearing. All over the ground laid injured and dying men, many of them were the Freedom Fighters. The bad guys were obviously winning because of their superior weapons, but the tides were about to change.

Liam quickly turned to Niall, and ordered "heal all of the injured Freedom Fighters." The blond nodded his head, and bended water out of the grass. "Harry watch Niall's back, to make sure no one attacks him while he heals" the boy barked.

"You got it dude" Harry answered, springing into action. He began to levitate the injured soldiers to Niall, so he could more easily heal them.

Facing Zayn and Louis, Liam said "you two are with me. We are going to take out the remaining soldiers on the Fearsome Five's side."

Zayn snapped his fingers, instantly covering his body in flames, while Louis turned into a T-Rex. Louis started to form an army of animals, and plants to help with the battle. Soon the battlefield was filled with vines, that snatched away soldiers and choked them to death.

The Fearsome Five soldiers took notice of the five lads, and realized they were going to lose. They knew the supervillains were dead. but it didn't matter. The soldiers would fight to the end even if it meant they would die.

Liam, Zayn, and Louis charged into the center of the battlefield. Using his earth powers, Liam opened up a giant hole in the ground and pushed soldiers down to their death. He flung spears of earth at the bad guys, making sure to pierce them right in the center of their chest.

Zayn stood on the right side of Liam, his whole body on fire. He would shoot fire blasts at the men, making sure to burn them until they were unrecognizable. Some of the unlucky villains faced their doom when Zayn would touch them. The soldiers would instantly melt under his touch, since he was as hot as the sun. Puddles of used to be soldiers seeped into the ground, as Zayn fought the enemies.

Louis roared loudly next to Zayn, as he stomped toward his prey. With his giant dinosaur feet, he easily crushed soldiers. The razor sharp teeth aided in ripping apart all who stood in his way. Next to the boy ran an army of animals, that ranged from small to large carnivores. Screams could be heard from all across the battlefield, as the animals attacked. They showed no mercy, when they killed the soldiers. Louis made the trees join the battle, having them use their roots to grab unsuspecting men. They would be crushed to death, before they even knew what had happened.

Gunshots could be heard, as the men tried to defend themselves against the Freedom Fighters. Liam yelled over the noise, trying to get all of the soldiers on his side retreat. He found Simon within the chaos, and had a short conversation with him.

The first thing that left the man's mouth was "tell me you defeated the Fearsome Five."

"Wouldn't be here if we didn't" Liam answered, stabbing someone in the chest who was behind Simon.

The man stood there smiling proudly, not being able to express his happiness with words. "Thank you" was all he could muster out.

The nice moment was short lived, because of the battle that was still happening. "Get your men off the field" Liam demanded. "The lads and I will finish them off. Just make sure everyone gets out of here safely."

Simon nodded his head and yelled "retreat." Freedom Fighters from across the field ran into the treeline, exiting the battle. Liam made protective earth shield around the fighters, as the bad guys opened fire on them.

Zayn took this opportunity to send a wave of fire over an area, where the soldiers were standing. When the flames cleared away, all that was left was a pile of black dust.

Freedom Fighters (Zianourry)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum