The Reunion

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Zayn closed his hands into a fist getting ready to release his fire power. Using his powers, seemed to be the only way Zayn could get out of this situation. The tornadoes Harry formed were too far away to help him. Louis was no where to be seen, and Zayn could no longer hear or see Niall. Zayn needed to get to the others, and if that meant using his powers, then so be it. He could deal with Liam being anger later. Right now the boy needed to make sure his friends were alive. Zayn began to form fire in his hands, but he feared it wouldn't be enough. Maybe he would need to go full flame, and let his whole body catch on fire. He had only done it once before, and had almost burned down the army base. But this was an emergency. Much to the boy's surprise, the need to actually summon fire wasn't necessary.

Zayn watched in awe as the men turned and pointed their weapons at each other. It was like their arms had a mind of their own. The bad guys looked visibly shaken as they lost control of their limbs. "What's happening? Why can't I move my arms?", the soldier next to Zayn screamed, his voice full of panic. Once the guns were trained on the hearts of their targets, the whole area went quiet. It seemed all the soldiers knew what was going to happen. There was no way to escape death. Slowly their fingers went to the triggers of the guns.

In a swift movement, all the men pulled the triggers at the same time. The sound of hundreds of guns going off echoed through the air. Zayn fell to the ground and curled into a ball, hoping to dodge the guns. He prayed none of the bullets would hit him. The tornados disappeared in the air, leaving the sound of the bodies hitting the ground to be heard by all. All the men, that moments before were trying to kill Zayn were dead. The boy had just witnessed each soldier shoot their comrades in the heart.

Relief filled Zayn, when he realized he didn't need to use his powers. The relief was short lived though, when Zayn remembered the others. He needed to find Niall and see if the boy was okay. Taking one last look at the massacre, Zayn went to retrieve Liam who was still passed out and then find the other lads.

Meanwhile, Harry was having a mini panic attack with Louis. "What if they are all dead?" Harry cried. He feared that those gunshots he heard were being shot at his teammates. "They are dead and it's all my fault".

"Harry calm down" Louis soothed. "We shouldn't assume. I'll fly ahead and scope out the area. Stay hidden". Louis didn't wait for a response, he just flew off. If he stayed with Harry any longer he would have burst out crying. He really hoped he wouldn't see the dead bodies of his comrades. His eyes began forming tears just imagining any of the lads dead. "Please don't be dead" Louis pleaded to himself.

"Louis don't leave me" Harry croaked. What if Louis got hurt? Without even thinking Harry took off after Louis lifting himself in the air.

When Zayn reached the car he opened it quietly and slowly, not wanting to disturb Liam. Just as he grabbed the unconscious boy, Louis landed on top of the car still in bird form. He looked around before changing back into his human form. "What just happened?" Louis asked, his eyes filled with confusion after seeing all the dead soldiers. Harry came down next to Zayn having flown over the bridge using his air powers.

Zayn jumped slightly when Harry landed next to him. But he recomposed himself, and pulled Harry in for a hug. "I was so worried about you, Harry. I'm glad you are okay" Zayn whispered. Harry wrapped his arms around Zayn and the boys both embraced each other.

"Again. What the hell just happened?" Louis interrupted, pushing himself in between the hugging boys. Harry shot him a look.

"You left me Louis" Harry said completely ignoring Louis's question, his tone was sad.

"I'm sorry. You were freaking me out and I needed to find the others"

"It's fine I guess, just never do it again" Harry begged looking completely vulnerable.

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