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Anna Cox and Desmond Styles stayed in London when the Fearsome Five attacked. Remaining in their apartment they watched neighbors pack up suitcases and drive out of the city. People though got caught in traffic, which seemed to never move. Taking advantage of the traffic Katy and Ed began having fun with the cars. Ed used sonic waves to destroy the cars and squish the people inside. Katy danced around spitting acid on cars listening with glee as screams filled the air. Hearing skin making contact with acid was music to Katy’s ears. The sizzling and popping filled the night. Getting bored of picking off the cars one at a time Katy and Ed decided to speed things up. Ed flew into the air and then flew straight into the ground, causing a wave to open up the ground and swallow up the remaining cars. Grabbing Katy he flew her around other traffic jams allowing her to use her acid power to destroy the cars. Anna and Desmond heard screams and crying the whole night hiding in their bedroom closest hugging each other.

The couple eventually left the apartment to get food and they were surprised to see the damage Ed and Katy caused. Holding each other’s hands for dear life Anna and Desmond headed to the grocery store. The stench of dead bodies hit the couple. Anna felt tears fall down her face from the smell. She gagged and Desmond rubbed her back trying to soothe her. Rotting bodies were everywhere, some were still in the car, and others were laid out around the street like they were trying to run away.

Anna and Desmond lived like this for years hiding out in their apartment until they needed more supplies. By this time Anna had given birth to a boy named Harry. He was only 6 months old when the couple decided they needed to get more baby food. Anna put Harry in a baby carrier and placed him on her back and hid the baby under a blanket. Today should have been like any other run, but it wouldn’t be.

Walking down the street Desmond couldn’t shake the feeling that they were being watched. He hoped he was being paranoid. Sadly Desmond knew he was right when he heard a crunch coming from the alley next to Anna. Desmond pulled out his gun and yelled “Run”.

Two figures appeared in front of the couple, two behind, and two on each side. Desmond couldn’t get a good look at any of their faces. They were dressed in black with bandanas covering their faces. Black sunglasses covered the people’s eyes. Each pulled out a weapon. Some had knives, others had guns, and some only had a pipe. Desmond knew they were scavengers. What scared the couple was how unpredictable scavengers were. Sometimes they killed from whom they stole from and the other times people were spared.

Stepping forward Desmond put his hands in the air and cried “Please take whatever you want. Just don’t hurt us.”

One figure walked forward and Anna assumed he or she was the leader.

Holding out their hand they, yelled “Give me your backpack and gun. Now!”

Desmond nodded and gave the leader his pack and weapon. Unzipping the pack the leader inspected the bag. Nodding their head in approval the bag was given to another member of the group. Desmond’s gun was now being under the leader’s shirt. “I want the lady’s bag now.”

Anna shook her head no. She was not letting these scavengers touch her Harry.

Breathing out in frustration the leader walked straight over to Anna and took out her knife. Anna felt the wind get knocked out of her when the knife was stabbed in her stomach. Pulling out the knife the leader stabbed again and again. Blood dripped out of Anna’s mouth as she fell to her knees. Blood was gushing out of four stab wounds. She tried to cover the wounds but it was no use because the blood pouring out between her fingers. “Please stop” Anna begged, putting up her hands in surrender.

“No one ever says no to me bitch” the leader responded, taking her knife and stabbing Anna one final time this time in the heart.

Desmond watched in horror as Anna smacked the ground. The life left her eyes and her chest stopped moving. A giant puddle surrounded Anna as her eyes closed for the final time. The leader pulled her knife out causing blood to splatter out.

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