Fixing the World

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Liam woke up to see 20 people surrounding his and the other lads beds. Shrieking loudly, the boy hid himself under the covers. "Surprise" the figures yelled, opening up the tent so the light seeped through.

Hearing Liam scream, Harry flew out of bed and got down in a defensive position. "What is happening?" he asked, surveying the area.

"Calm down" Simon pleaded stepping forward. "We just wanted to surprise you guys this morning to thank you for everything you did."

Harry lowered his hands slowly, and glared at the man. "Not really the best idea to surprise people with superpowers."

"Dually noted" Paul chuckled. "Come to breakfast, so we can celebrate."

The gang of soldiers left the tent, leaving Liam and Harry to awkwardly stare at each other. "How the hell did they sleep through that?" Liam observed, indicating to a sleeping Niall, Louis and Zayn. The curly haired boy shrugged, and walked over to Louis.

"Get up" he screamed in the sleeping boy's ear. Louis yelped, falling out of the bed.

"Why?" Louis yawned, when he came to his senses. Harry didn't respond, just grinned evilly.

Harry walked by Zayn, knowing he was horrible to wake up in the morning. Instead he went to the blond. Crouching down next to Niall, Harry said gently "Niall, time to get up."

"Why does Niall get a soothing wake up call, and I get you screaming in my ear" Louis questioned, placing his hands on his hips.

"Because I'm evil, and like annoying you" the curly haired boy answered.

By this time Liam had fully woken up, and gotten dressed. "Who wants to wake up Zayn?"

"Not me" Harry responded. "I would like to live." Louis nodded in agreement.

Louis smiled, "I volunteer Niall."

"Wow, thanks guys" the blond joked. Sitting up, the boy shuffled over to Zayn. After he made sure he had a bucket of water, Niall got ready. "Zayn" the boy whispered, shaking the sleeping fire bender. "Wake up."

A hiss left Zayn's mouth, as he opened his eyes. The glare quickly left his face when he saw his friends. "Quick question" he declared, rubbing his eyes. "Did we really defeat the Fearsome Five and their army?"

"Yup" Liam answered enthusiastically.

"Good" Zayn breathed out, relieved. "I was scared it was a dream."

The boys sat in a happy silence, as they remembered the events from yesterday. None of them could believe they won. "Get dressed" Liam ordered, knocking the lads out of their trances. "Simon wants us to go breakfast.

With that, the heroes jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes. Zayn of course took the longest, wanting to make sure his hair was perfect.

On the walk to the kitchen, Niall's stomach growled loudly. "I must have really used up my energy yesterday" he commented, when his stomach rumbled again. Harry laughed loudly, throwing his head back.

Louis smiled to himself. It was fantastic seeing the boys interact without the constant worry of the Fearsome Five. They could finally be teenagers and care free. They could leave their horrible pasts behind and move on.

The second they stepped in the dining hall, they were greeted by the whole army holding up a banner that said congratulations. Simon stood proudly in the center with Paul, John, and Caroline. "You did it boys" the leader praised, stepping forward. "You defeated the Fearsome Five. You did the impossible, and the world is forever in your debt. We are in your debt."

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