Practice Makes Perfect

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Justin was bored out of his mind, waiting for the stupid Freedom Fighters group to plan a day to fight them. They had waited one month and still no news from the group. It was driving Justin crazy. "Can we please attack them now?" Justin begged to the others. He teleported next to the others and gave them his best puppy dog face.

"No, Justin" Katy sighed, rolling her eyes. "Remember we promised to let them choose the date of the battle. We want them to give us everything they have, so the fight won't be boring. Having one last epic showdown requires time and patience."

"Imagine if we attacked right now. We would destroy the Freedom Fighters in like 5 minutes" Ed added, wrapping his arm around Taylor. "Then you would be ever more bored, because they would be defeated so easily" Ed laughed, giving his friend a smile. "Once the Freedom Fighters are defeated there will be no one left on the Earth to oppose us."

Justin nodded his head, "you're right." He was still upset but he saw where his friends were coming from.

"I know what will cheer you up buddy" Josh said, jumping up from his spot. He left the room and came back a couple seconds with a tied up girl. She was around Justin's age and kept fighting against her gags. Tears fell down her face, as she was treated like an item not a person. "I found her in the nearby village."

"And I get her all the myself" Justin questioned, checking over the girl. She was fairly attractive for someone her age. Justin couldn't wait to get his hands on her.

"Yes, you can do whatever you want to her. There will plenty of more people like this when we defeat the Freedom Fighters" Josh answered, shoving the girl towards Justin. She fought against her restraints, but it was no use.

Justin licked his lips and grabbed the girl roughly. "Thanks Josh you the best" the boy gratified, teleporting out of the room with the terrified girl.

"I bet she won't make it through the night" Taylor joked, knowing how rough and crazy her friend can be.

Josh returned to his seat next to Katy. "I wanted to have fun with the girl tonight. I even got out all my favorite toys to use on her" Katy whined to her husband.

Rolling his eyes, Josh asked "would it make you happy if I went out and got you another person to torture." Katy nodded her head enthusiastically. "Well I can't say no to you. I'll be back shortly honey" Josh smiled, kissing Katy on the nose.

Ed followed his friend out the door. "What do you want?" Josh questioned when they left the building.

"I was thinking we check up on the Freedom Fighters, while you get Katy a new toy to torture" Ed suggested, because he really wanted to check up on the enemy. It had been a month since they had heard any news from the group. Usually Roberts would give weekly reports, but for some reason he had been silent this past month. "I suspect Roberts may be dead" the ginger added.

"I could have guessed that. I mean we did tell Liam he worked for us. They probably ratted him out to Simon" Josh agreed "we should check on the group, though. We don't want them sneak attacking us."

The two boys decided to fly over the base in Florida and spy on what was happening. Then after spying, they would find a new victim to bring home. Ed and Josh shot across the sky, flying at supersonic speeds.

As they grew closer to the base, the two boys slowed their pace down and flew closer to the ground. They landed in the dense forest when they came near to the base because they didn't want to be spotted in the sky. The two boys walked in the woods following the sound of voices. The closer they got to the base, the louder the sounds got. Whenever patrols would pass by, the two boys would dart behind the trees and hide.

Freedom Fighters (Zianourry)Where stories live. Discover now