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Bobby and Maura Horan were a perfect family with their son Greg. They lived in a quiet little town in Ireland. Life was going great until the Fearsome Five attacked London. Bobby stayed glued to the TV during the attack. Maura hid Greg in the other room he was too young to see such violence. “What are we going to do Bobby” Maura yelled from the bedroom. Her voice was filled with panic and fear. Bobby didn’t answer, he was in shock. He had just watched Big Ben fall to the ground.

“I don’t know honey, I really don’t” was all Bobby could muster. He realized nowhere would be truly safe from the Fearsome Five. That night the family packed up their car and just drove. Greg slept most of the drive not really aware of what was happening since he was only 7 years old. The car ran out of gas which resulted in the family to walk aimlessly. Bobby decided to take Maura and Greg to an abandoned castle to hide.

After living there for a couple months Maura surprised Bobby with the news of being pregnant. Bobby to say the least was not excited. This was not the kind of the world he wanted to raise a kid, he could barely handle Greg. Over 20 people lived in the castle with Maura and her family. The winters were cold in the castle and the summers were scorching hot but they all survived.

A year after living their Maura gave birth to another son and named him Niall. He had blue eyes that Maura felt like she could drown in. Bobby was the leader of the community and he sort of let the power go to his head. Maura found it harder to recognize her husband as each day passed. He became very strict and grew a scary temper. Sometimes the woman thought her husband was going to hit her.

The people of the community treated Bobby like he was a king. The man got all the food and would give the scraps to his people. Anyone who disobeyed him was punished severely. Bobby ruled with an iron fist and no one would ever dare to challenge him.  

Bobby never liked his son Niall. The boy was way too happy and cheerful and it annoyed the hell out of the king. He also hated that Niall never seemed to get sick or get any injuries. The father would watch his kid fall down the stairs and see Niall get up and walk away like nothing happened. Greg seemed to be sick every other week. Bobby wished the roles were reversed. He wanted to begin training the eldest son to run the community.

The king grew tired of Niall never getting hurt and decided to get to the bottom of it. One morning he called his son who was 4 in the throne room. “Hello son, do you why you are here?” Bobby asked, annoyed seeing Niall was already smiling.

“No” Niall replied.

“It’s no sir”

“No sir”

“Good. Now Niall have you ever noticed that when you slip and fall you never get hurt, but when Greg does he gets a cut.”

“Yes sir”

“Well I want to test something out so stand next to me and hold out your arm” Bobby ordered.

Niall knew better than to argue so he went and stood next to his father. The boy rolled up the sleeve of his shirt and placed his arm in front of Bobby. The king pulled out a knife and brought it next to son’s arm.

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