The Boys Finally Meet

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Simon decided to let the five boys live in America to finish out their training together. The country was big enough to hide the boys. There were forests everywhere. The country had become a wasteland, vines covered all the buildings and few people lived out in the open. The Fearsome Five set up their home base in China which was far away from America. Every couple of years they would switch countries. 5 years ago America was their base and they destroyed a majority of the country. Ed had taken the head of the statue of Liberty as a souvenir from America. Simon knew the boys would be safe there for the time being because there was nothing in America for the Fearsome Five to destroy.

Each boy took a separate boat to get to America. They would be meeting up in California. In California the boys would be staying in Angeles National Forest. With boy, was a rechargeable walkie talkie so they could communicate with Simon, who would also be staying in America with the other trainers. They would be staying in a base in Florida.

“Why are you leaving me” Niall cried “Did I do something wrong?”

“No Ni. You are going to stay with four boys who are just like you” Paul replied feeling a pang of guilt.

Paul and Niall had arrived first and were standing at the campsite that the soldiers from the Florida base had set up. It contained five small tents already set up, 5 sleeping bags, and cooking supplies.

“I’m scared” Niall confessed clinging onto Paul.

“I know buddy, but I have to go or else the car is going to leave without me” Paul cried.

Paul gently pushed the blonde off of him and saw the boy’s eyes fill with tears. “You’re just like my dad. Everyone always leaves me. Why would you be any different” Niall screamed, running away from the man.

“Niall wait” Paul called out, but it was too late Niall left the campsite. Sighing sadly his vision started getting murky with tears. Paul walked slowly over to the car.

“How’d it go sir?” the soldier asked turning on the engine.

“Just drive” Paul replied coldly. He stared out of the back window, hoping to catch a glimpse of blonde hair.


“This is stupid” Liam said, kicking the nearest rock.

“I know” Roberts replied “You can take on the Fearsome Five without these losers.”

“Do I have to stay?”

“Stay for a little and if the guys are useless, then leave and find me. You don’t need them.”

“Why would Simon recruit them?”

“Because he is weak. Listen I’ll come to you in a few months. I might need to use you to take over the Freedom Fighters. Simon isn’t what he used to be. He is getting soft and needs to be put down. Will you help me Liam?”

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