The Night Before the Mission

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"We are going into the nearest town for supplies" Liam declared at the four boys sitting around him. The boy had called a meeting and was surprised how long it took to gather all the lads. Let’s just say it took over an hour to gather all the heroes. Niall sat by himself in the corner hugging his knees, making Liam feel like he should hug the blonde. Zayn glared at Liam clearly still pissed about the other day.

"Are we sure that is safe" Louis shot back. Liam sighed, why did Louis always have to be on his back, watching his every move. "You want us to bond correct" Liam asked, beginning to lose his cool.


"Well this the only way. We need something to bring us closer together and obviously being here isn't working. I believe this can work and since I’m leader what I say is final" Liam beamed hoping he was making Roberts proud for taking the leadership role.

"Who died and made you the leader" Harry asked staring coldly at Liam. The boy was taken aback by Harry's dark tone.

"We needed one so I appointed myself " Liam replied, giving Louis a pleading look. Louis looked away signaling Liam was all on his own.

Rolling his eyes Harry shouted "There is no way in hell I am taking orders from you. I only listen to myself."

"Fine you don't have to listen to me, but will you at least come with us" Liam suggested.

"I'll go but I might not come back. The world can suck it. I could care less if everyone died as long as I'm alive."

That's a horrible way of living Zayn thought to himself. Sure the boy wasn't close to anyone but he felt the world was worth fighting for. If it wasn’t then what was the pint of living. Protecting the world gave Zayn a purpose and helped keep him sane after all those years. "I'll go" Niall mumbled. Liam smiled at the blonde clearly happy he was going along with his plan. Staring into the blonde’s eyes Liam felt like he was drowning in Niall’s blue eyes. Sighing Zayn said "Count me in". Zayn didn't want Niall to be all alone with Liam. He felt very protective towards the blonde and he didn’t know why. Maybe it was because of the innocent vibe he gave off or he reminded him of his part life. The life where he lived happily with his family. Sometimes Zayn felt like Niall had it worse than him and he wasn’t sure why.

Louis and Harry agreed to the plan and it was decided they would leave in the morning when the sun rose. "Hey Liam" Louis called out running after the boy.

"What? Did you come to tell me how dumb my plan is?" Liam sighed packing up his tent.

"No I came to tell you I'm sorry for giving you so much trouble and I was hoping we could be friends."

"Thanks I'm sorry for being such an ass. I wanted to prove myself as a strong leader, but I came across as a dick and pushed everyone apart. I hope this trip will help bring everyone together. Maybe we could become friends during the mission."

"I'm sure it will. Well, I'm going to go finish packing" Louis said, turning away from Liam. The boy was beyond happy. Now he and Liam were almost friends, all he needed to do was work his magic on the other three lads. For some reason he thought Niall would be the hardest one to get close to since the boy blocked everyone out. Whenever anyone came near him he would flinch and back away. Harry just needed and hug and Zayn needed to learn to control his emotions. Louis skipped to his tent and put some clothes in his backpack. While packing, Louis imagined everyone becoming friends and saving the world.  

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