Entering the City

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Sorry for the wait. Let's just say the last couple of weeks have been crazy. I was sick, had tons of homework, and went to comic con. So yea. Here is the next chapter. Thanks for reading

Liam stopped in the middle of the road and stared at the scene in front of him. He heard Louis throw up next to him, but Liam didn't care. All he could see were dead bodies hanging everywhere. Some hung from highway signs, others littered the ground. The stench was strong and horrible, making Liam cover his nose and mouth. His eyes began to water from the smell.

The bodies had started to decompose. The warm sun beating down on them also did not help with the smell. Maggots and flies feasted on the dead people. Niall watched maggots tear away at a lady's eyeball. "Who do you think do this" Louis croaked, after he finished throwing up.

"Not sure, but whoever did are monsters" Harry responded. "I might be crazy, but I would never do anything this bad".

"We shouldn't stay here long. What if whoever did this comes back" Zayn asked, panic filling his voice.

"If they come back, I will kill them all" Harry threatened his voice becoming dark and menacing. "I will make them pay".

Liam wasn't sure what to do. Should they still carry out with the plan? "Let's just grab the supplies and get out" Liam suggested. None of the boys argued so Liam began to walk towards the city. He stepped over a dead child and stopped. He stared into her lifeless eyes and cried. The teddy bear was still clutched in her arms, making Liam want to kill whoever did this. If Liam had to estimate he swore there were over 300 bodies. He hated feeling completely helpless. Liam was supposed to be a hero. Why didn't he save these people?

Niall looked around taking in the scene. He noticed some people were maimed, while others were nailed to telephone poles.

"I think this is a burial ground or a place where people are punished hence the people nailed to the telephone poles" Harry offered. Silence filled the air as the lads took in what Harry said. Zayn wrapped his hand protectively around Louis because Louis was a mess. Everytime he saw a body he gagged. Tears were streaming down his face, as he tried to walk around the dead bodies.

"Don't look" Zayn whispered. "Just close your eyes, I will tell you when it is over." Zayn picked up Louis bridal style and began walking around the bodies. Louis closed his eyes and said "Thank you". Zayn smiled warmly at Louis and continued on his journey.

A movement to the left caught Niall's attention. He could have sworn one of the bodies nailed to the pole moved. Staring intently at the woman, Niall saw her arm move again. Without a second of hesitation, the blonde took off running toward the woman. "Niall what are you doing" Liam screamed.

Harry and Liam took off running after Niall. "Stop" Harry yelled. Niall though, continued forward and reached the woman.

She opened up her eyes and stared sadly at Niall. Dried blood covered her arms and legs from where the nails were. She was in constant pain as she cringed when her arms moved. The woman was sunburned and her lips were cracking. Her eyes gave a glazed look and Niall knew she was going to die. "Get out of here" she croaked at Niall.

"I can help you" Niall responded. "Liam give me your water". Liam and Harry finally caught up and saw the woman. They stared at her with pity. Liam took out his water and gave it to Niall.

The woman shook her head no. "Please you need to leave before they find you."

"What happened to you" Harry asked

"I was hidden up in one of the skyscrapers with my family when they found us. They butchered my wife and daughter right in front of me. Just let me die. Get out of here before they come for you" she responded.

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