Never Going To Give You Up

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Becuase I love you guys so much I give you a new chapter. I know how much cliffhangers suck and I am sorry for making the last chapter end with one. So here you go. Hope you enjoy the update.

Louis woke up to the sounds of Zayn sobbing. Looking down, he saw he was still in bird form. Louis closed his eyes and thought about him as a human. He felt a tingling feeling fill his body, as he slowly transformed back to his normal self. Once Louis was back in human form, he inspected his injured arm. Before he blacked out he remembered getting shot. After turning over his arm several times, he found nothing wrong with it. He was slightly confused, but was brought back to reality back hearing Zayn.

Feeling slightly relieved, Louis got up to find Zayn and see what was upsetting him. Louis saw Zayn crying on Niall's chest. He wondered why until he saw the blonde was not breathing. "What happened? What is wrong with Niall" Louis cried.

Zayn met eyes with Louis before tears started to stream down his face. Louis's vision became blurry with tears as, he came to the realization that Niall was no longer alive. "Let's try putting him in water" Louis croaked. He was not about to let Niall die without a fight. Getting up, he scooped up the lifeless body of his friend and ran out of the building.

"Stop" Zayn begged "It is too late". Zayn grabbed Louis not really wanting to get his hopes up. He just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry his eyes out.

"No" Louis replied, shrugging Zayn off his arm. "I am not about to give up on Niall. When I was in bird form I saw a stream up ahead. We are getting Niall to the water, even if it kills me".

Louis took off running towards the water, not caring if Zayn was coming or not. "Niall don't you give up on me" the boy mumbled, finally taking a good look at his fallen friend. Niall's skin was cold to touch, his body was limp and hung loosely in Louis's arms. One arm in particular looked horrible. It was dark brown and looked shriveled up and dead. Louis was scared to touch it and wonder how the blonde's arm got like this.

Arriving at the stream, Louis placed Niall gently in the water. He watched the blonde sink under the water. Louis slowly walked in the stream and stood next to Niall holding the boy up. If he didn't hold the blonde, then Niall would have floated away, because the current in the stream was strong. Louis stared at Niall and saw no change in the boy. Tears flowed down his face, as Louis came to turns that Niall was dead.

Movement across the stream snapped the boy out of his trance. The boy clutched Niall protectively, he wasn't going to let anything else happen to him. Louis sighed in relief when Zayn appear, his face red and puffy from crying. "Any changes" Zayn asked. Louis sadly shook his head no.

Zayn fell to the ground crying, smoke rising from the boy. Louis climbed out of the water and wrapped his arms around Zayn. Both boys cried into each other, not caring if they got caught. Nothing in the world mattered anymore. "This is all my fault" Zayn wept.

"No its not Zayn. It was whoever made his arm like that." Louis declared. "Do you know what happened to his arm".

Zayn nodded his head, but didn't want to tell. "Spit it out Zayn. What happened?"

"He used the water in his body to heal you. He drained himself to save you" Zayn admitted, new tears forming in his eyes. Guilt ate away at Louis when the truth came out.

"He killed himself for me" Louis screamed. Vines flew out from the ground, as Louis yelled in anger and sadness. The boy was battling two different emotions and it was making him go crazy. Louis could not control his powers, when he couldn't even control his emotions.

The two grieving boys were giving away their location to the enemy. Zayn had smoke rising from his body that could be seen throughout the whole city. Louis's screams could be heard from a mile away.

Freedom Fighters (Zianourry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora