The Traitor

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The boys wandered mindlessly for what seemed like years. No had said since the meeting. What could they say? Each lad was affected differently by the Fearsome Five. Liam really just wanted to go underground and disappear, but he couldn't. He had to stay strong for the others. They needed a shoulder to lean on.

After walking around with no clear direction, Liam knew he needed to give an order."We need to find Simon" Liam said, looking over at the lads. He waited for someone to respond, to give a different idea. No one did though.

Liam knew the base Simon was staying at the base in Florida. The Freedom Fighters needed to be warned about Roberts, before anything bad happened. If Louis could turn into a fast animal like a bird or cheetah, he could warn the group, but Liam knew Louis was too unstable to do such a task. It would be a lot easier though. Louis could travel ahead of the lads and warn Simon. Then by the time the rest of them got to camp, Roberts would be taken care of and Liam wouldn't have to face his old mentor. Liam was dreading coming face to face with Roberts.

How could Liam not realize Roberts was working for the Fearsome Five? How could he be that stupid? The sun began to set in the distance, Liam knew they needed to make camp soon. "Guys we should stop here for the night" Liam suggested, pointing towards a small opening in the woods.

"No" Zayn growled, finally speaking up "we will keep going all through the night. Roberts could be leading an attack against the Freedom Fighters right now" Zayn yelled, veins popping out of his neck. "I want to get to the stupid base so we can go our separate ways. The sooner we get to Florida the better."

"Zayn look around" Liam argued "the boys are too exhausted to do anything."

"No, we need to get to Florida" Niall squeaked, breaking his embrace with Harry. "What if he hurts Paul?"

"And how do you suggest we get to the base in a timely manner?" Liam asked, his tone angry and frustrated.

Niall shrugged, his lip beginning to tremble. "I can try to fly us there" Harry said, his voice coming out in a hoarse whisper from all the crying.

Liam shook his head, "you can't even go one minute without crying, Harry and besides you are too exhausted to carry all four of us."

"I can do it" Harry screamed, making the birds in the nearby trees fly away. Louis jumped at the loud noise and cowered behind Niall. "Let me do this" Harry begged, his once angry face washed away, replaced with a sad, vulnerable boy who just wanted to prove himself.

"Fine" Liam agreed, running his hand through his hair, which was full of knots and grease. Liam knew Harry wouldn't be able to hold each boy individually for a long period of time. In order to help the airbender, Liam made all the lads stand on an Earth platform that Harry made levitate in the air, by having strong winds blow underneath it.

Louis flew next to the lads in bird form, to keep the earth platform from getting too heavy. Every once in a while, Harry would take a break and land the platform on the ground. Liam would take over and move the earth around at high speeds until Harry's break was over. Then Harry would take back over, making the journey to Florida go by a lot quicker.

Harry was happy to have his mind off of what the Fearsome Five did. Holding the piece of earth with the boys on it, required his full concentration. During those sweet moments of flying in the sky, Harry didn't have to think about his past mistakes. He could forget about Gemma in those precious seconds.

If the boys continued to move as fast as they were, they would reach Florida in 2 days. Not much was said during the journey. None of the lads knew what to say to each other. They were each hurting and dealing with their pain in different ways.

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