The Separation

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"Get up" Liam screamed, throwing stuff in his backpack. He saw the lads and the couple open their eyes. "They found us, we need to get out now". Realization seemed to hit everyone, when they heard the front door on the first floor explode.

This seemed to wake everyone up. The couple clutched each other in fear. "We might need to split up outside. Our meet up is the old campsite. No powers. We can't let these people know we have abilities" Liam ordered. "I will go out first and lead them away. Louis follow me now".

Louis who was still in bobcat form, ran after Liam who was already halfway down the stairs. All the other boys were panicking, trying to throw as much supplies as they could in their bags. "Louis I need you to turn into a bird and keep an eye on things in the air. Can you do that?" Louis nodded his head yes, and became a hawk the only bird he knew how to transform into. "Good. Watch over everyone. You will be the eyes in the sky. If anyone is in trouble come find me. If not then, I will meet you at the campground".

And with that, Liam jumped out of the window to the second floor and took off running when his feet touched the ground. Louis watched many of the men turn and begin to chase the boy. Flying out of the window, Louis took to the sky to watch over Liam.

He saw the others begin to jump out the other side of the building. They were soon quickly surrounded in an alleyway that went in two different directions. Niall and Harry ran down one way, while Zayn and the couple went down the other one. Louis was soon going to lose sight of all the lads.

"Run Niall" Harry yelled, as the soldiers closed in behind them. If they used their powers the element of surprise would be over. The Fearsome Five would know about the plan and the lads. Niall was not used to being this physically active. He wasn't going to make it to the woods. With his last ounce of energy, Niall took off down a different street and lead half of his chasers away from Harry. "What the hell are you doing" Harry cried, watching the blonde go in the opposite direction.

"Keep going. I will meet you at the site later" Niall replied, before disappearing from Harry's sight.

"Shit" Harry muttered. He almost turned to go after Niall, but he knew it would do more harm than good. Harry was half tempted to forge a tornado and grab Niall. Then he would fly them both away. But Harry didn't and just kept running, cursing himself as he ran. The sound of his pursuers kept Harry strong and adrenaline pumped. Soon Harry took the lead leaving the chasers in the dust. The bad guys had underestimated the boy's speed. Now that he didn't need to slow down for Niall, Harry was about a mile ahead of his chasers. In the distance, he could see the tree line.

Instead of going straight into the woods, Harry decided to hide under a car. He would do a lot better in the daytime and he really wanted to lose his pursuers. He also secretly hoped he would see Niall run by. When Harry saw that no one was looking, he quickly slid under a minivan.

Harry held his breath, as he saw feet run by his hiding spot. "Where did he go" one voice asked.

"He went into the woods, quickly we can't let him escape" another yelled. When the area around Harry quieted down the boy released his breath. His racing heart was beginning to die down.

Meanwhile, Liam was in the middle of not trying to die. Gunshots were heard behind the boy and Liam did not dare to turn around. A windshield exploded next to the lad, forcing him to dart to the middle of the street. More cars exploded from a hail of bullets, as Liam continued forward. A spear landed to the left of the boy, but Liam kept running forward. Liam was only thinking about one thing, surviving.

As he ran he saw the highway up ahead. Liam really hoped the others had gotten out. Suddenly Liam felt a searing pain in his ankle. The boy was afraid to look down, but he felt his eyes starting to wonder. Curiosity got the best of the boy and he saw his ankle was squirting out blood. He must have gotten shot.

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