Finding Harry

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN NIALL ACTUALLY DIED" Liam shrieked, grabbing Niall. "I can't leave you guys alone for an hour without one of you dying". Liam didn't even want to picture a dead Niall. A shiver went up his spine just thinking about Niall being lifeless.

"Liam don't act like we liked seeing a dead Niall. Zayn and I were a mess" Louis explained tears forming in his eyes. "It is something I never want to see again".

Liam hugged Niall against his chest not wanting to let the boy go. It scared to know he had almost lost the blond. "Don't ever do something that stupid again" Liam whispered, quietly to Niall. The voice sounded so broken and vulnerable Niall felt guilty. How could he cause the lads so much pain. If he did something like this back when he lived with his dad, Niall's father would not have cared. He would have been happy, overjoyed.

"I promise I won't" Niall responded "Now let's go find Harry".

Zayn picked up the blond's backpack and instantly dropped it. "What the hell is in your bag?" Zayn asked.

Niall blushed and took his bag and unzipped it. "I got these books for Louis. They are animal books, so Louis can turn into more creatures. I'll carry it if they are too heavy". The blond pulled out a book and showed it to the lads.

Louis's eyes filled with tears. "Thank you Niall. No one has ever done something like this for me before" Louis cried. "You really are amazing".

Much to Niall's annoyance, Liam wouldn't let Niall carry the backpack. Liam held it instead, afraid that the weight would hurt his little Niall. The four lads crept to a sewer lid and stood at the bottom listening. All they heard was silence. Liam pushed the lid off the sewer using his earth powers.

"Louis send Kevin up to the top and have him check it out" Zayn suggested, still not really liking the rat. Zayn secretly hoped the rat would die if it went to the surface. He still hadn't forgiven the animal for climbing up on his shoulder.

"Good idea" Louis exclaimed, picking up Kevin. He explained the plan to the rat. Kevin seemed to understand and crawled through the hole and went to the surface. "Good luck" Louis said to the animal as it crawled out of sight.

The boys waited a couple minutes and Kevin still hadn't returned. Louis began to fear the worst. He really hoped nothing bad had happened to the animal. Just when Louis was about to turn into a bird, Kevin came back. He squeaked to the boy, letting him know the streets were clear. "It's clear for now let's go" Louis ordered.

There was no ladder so the lads weren't sure how to climb through the hole. Zayn's eyes light up as he suggested, "Let's boost each other up and then Louis can fly up in bird form. He can warn us if there is any trouble". The others nodded their head and set Zayn's plan into action.

Liam wanted to go first, so he could make sure the streets were safe. He was going to protect his boys. He never wanted them to separate again. Zayn and Louis gave Liam a boost and he climbed through the sewer hole. Once on the surface Liam looked around. It was quiet, too quiet. Liam didn't like this one bit. He felt completely exposed in the middle of the street.

Next came Niall, who Zayn picked up easily and handed to Liam. Liam grabbed Niall's hand and pulled him up. He was surprised at how light the boy was. Zayn appeared next and Liam helped pull him up.

Louis flew up in bird form and took to the sky with the intent of making sure the boys were safe. He would warn them of trouble. Louis was a little scared because last time he did this, he was shot and almost died. But he needed to brave for the others. They needed him.

Niall led the Zayn and Liam to where he last saw Harry. Liam took the rear, ready to attack anyone if they tried to hurt his friends. The lads crept ahead, careful not to make a sound.

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