The Sewers

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Zayn, Niall, and Louis walked down the underground tunnels, their only source of light was Zayn. It stunk horribly in the sewers, nearly making Louis throw up. Louis put his shirt over his nose to block out the smell. His shirt though was covered in sweat and dirt, so it didn't make much of a difference. The water was a sick slimy, green color and the lads did their best to avoid stepping in it. Louis though of course wasn't paying attention and stepped into one of the puddles.

He screamed and jumped out of the disgusting water. Niall saved the day by bending the water off of Louis. The boy was as good as new after Niall was done with him. The blonde had saved him and Zayn from hearing non stop complaining from Louis. 

Zayn walked a little further in front of the boys. He suddenly felt a weight on his shoulder. Moving his eyes, the boy saw a small black figure. "What is that?" he shrieked turning his head. Zayn came face to face with a rat. Its red eyes glared straight into Zayn's.  When Zayn saw it was a rat on his shoulder, he began freaking out.

Louis never imagined that Zayn could scream like a girl, but he could. His shrieks filled the dark tunnels as Zayn ran around in a circle. Niall had to cover his ears because the screams were so high pitched. The blonde bet if Zayn ever sung, he could definitely hit the high notes. "Get it off, get it off" Zayn screamed, as he shot fire at the animal. The rat easily dodged Zayn's attacks and dug its nails deeper into the boy. 

Louis was too busy laughing to help his friend. Tears were rolling down his face, as Louis collapsed to the ground. His chest began to cramp from all the laughing. "This isn't funny" Zayn screeched.

"Kinda is" Louis giggled, as he watched the rat begin to crawl around on Zayn's back. Niall attempted to help, but Zayn wouldn't hold still.

"Stop running Zayn" Niall pleaded, as he chased after the boy. Zayn didn't hear him, over all the screaming he was doing. Niall kept chasing Zayn grabbing, aimlessly at his friend's back. 

The fire on Zayn's arm went out, leaving the three lads completely in the dark. Louis heard a smack and a body hitting the ground. Niall groaned loudly and Louis assumed he had run into the wall. "You okay Niall" Louis asked, as he got up putting out his arms. Louis felt around in the dark trying to find Niall.

"Yea" Niall muttered, rubbing the top of his head. The blonde felt a warm liquid on his fingers and knew his head was bleeding. The wound was beginning to heal and soon the cut was gone. It was as if it never existed. The only thing that would prove the cut had been there, would be the dried up blood. 

The two lads heard Zayn shriek again. "Oh my god it is on my neck". Zayn began to light up, the boy slowly lit his body on fire. He was planning on burning the rat alive.

"Stop" Louis yelled "You are in a tiny space with me and Niall. We could get hurt". Zayn nodded his head and stopped trying to catch his body on fire. Zayn just lit his hands, so he could actually see where he was going.

As light filled the tunnel once again, Louis took in his surroundings. "I think the rat might be gone" Zayn exclaimed, as he looked over his body. Louis didn't have the heart to tell Zayn that the rat was currently on his head. Instead the boy went to check on Niall.

Louis saw dry blood on Niall and quickly inspected the blonde. "I'm fine Louis. The cut already healed". Louis sighed in relief and helped Niall up.

"Sorry" Zayn apologized, "Rats kinda freak me out".

"I can see that" Niall commented, brushing the dirt off of him.

Louis waved over Zayn and said "Come here, I need to see something". Zayn hesitantly walked over. Once in front of the his friend, Louis grabbed something off of Zayn's hair.

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