It's a Trap

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Harry closed his eyes as he welcomed his death. The sound of the safety being turned off, filled Harry's ears. His heart began to race. Everything was about to be over in a moment. All the heartache and pain was about to go away. All the worry about defeating the Fearsome Five and trying to fix the world just gone. He felt the gun get placed on the side of his face. This is it. The end of everything. Now he could be with Niall and the other lads.

The sound of the gun getting cocked back gave Harry goosebumps. The man's hand, sat at the trigger. He grinned evilly as he got himself ready to press the trigger back. This was not the first person he killed and certainly would not be the last. The kid was making it too easy for the man though. He wished for a challenge, but all he got was a sad teenager. He loved a good struggle. A person begging for his life gave the man chills. It was almost like he enjoyed it. Like he lived for it. The thrill he got from taking someone's life was scary. Watching the life leave a person's eyes had become his drug.

Just as he got ready to kill Harry, the man's walkie talkie went off. He didn't want the sound of the gunshot to block out any of the message. Last time he missed the message almost cost him his life. He could shoot Harry once he heard what his leader had to say.

From the walkie talkie came the message, "The four boys are walking straight into the trap. Everyone head to their assigned spots and open fire on my command. Those kids won't know see it coming. I want their dead bodies strung up on the highway when we are finished".

Harry's eyes snapped open. "You lied" he screamed. The wind began to pick up speed, as if feeding off of Harry's anger. "My friends are still alive".

"Yea but not for long" the man shot back "You'll just get to heaven a little earlier than them". The wind roared in anger, the bad guy's hair blew around. The man pulled the trigger on the gun.

A gunshot filled the air, but no one was hurt or killed. Harry moved out of the way in a flash, he was as fast as the wind. The man fired more bullets at Harry, but the boy easily dodged them. He became one with the wind, moving gracefully as he slid out of the gunfire. He made it seem easy, dodging the weapon. Some bullets he stopped in the air, making them hover non threateningly over the ground. The look on Harry's face was not human at all. It was filled with pure rage and anger. He looked like a monster ready to eat his prey. The once green eyes were glazed over. The eyes were black and soulless and it terrified the man.

The man backed up throwing the gun to the ground. He tried to run away, but Harry was too quick. The man was sucked up in the strong winds. Harry spun him around and laughed darkly to himself. He liked watching his prey squirm. "No one messes with my friends and gets away with it" Harry growled. "Now it's your turn to die". Before the man could protest he was thrown towards the ground. He survived the fall crying and moaning in pain, so Harry did it again and again. Blood and flesh spattered on the ground, making sickening sounds. He continued to do it until there was nothing recognizable left of the man. Harry was covered in blood and organs. Breathing heavily, trying to calm down. The glaze over his eyes went away as the anger left Harry. He should have felt ashamed of his action but he didn't. The man deserved it. He had it coming. Harry needed to get to the lads before they suffered a similar fate. That was all the mattered to Harry right now.

First Harry needed to find out where the meet-up point was. He needed to know where the trap was. Clicking on the walkie talkie, Harry made his voice deep trying to sound like a man and asked "Can anyone tell me where the meet-up place is to shoot the kids?" Harry wanted to hit himself. He did not sound like a man, but a kid trying to pretend to be one.

Harry listened to static for a couple of seconds, praying someone would answer his question. Much to his relief a voice responded, "It's at the bridge kid. Nice adult voice. Go to your assigned side of the bridge and open fire when you hear the command. Get here quick because our targets are about 5 minutes away".

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