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Trisha and Yaser Malik were on vacation when the Fearsome Five attacked. The couple decided to take some time off of work and leave the city. They rented a cabin out in the woods and had a nice romantic week. Leaving the couple noticed something was off. They saw black smoke entering the sky from the city. Yaser went to check out the damage thinking it was a terrorist attack.

Much to the shock of the couple they learned the destruction of London came from the Fearsome Five. Trisha and Yaser decided to stay in the cabin. They boarded up the windows and hoarded a month of food supplies under the floor. Yaser went hunting for food once a week and Trisha picked fruit from the nearby trees. Life was pretty good for the couple, they never saw any other people and Trisha was okay with that.

After a couple of years of living in the cabin Yaser and Trisha decided to have a family. They gave birth to a boy on a warm sunny day. Trisha named her child Zayn and loved and cherished him. The little boy saw an innocence and light in the world. The child had a hot temper that sometimes scared Trisha but she thought he would grow out of it. Zayn loved exploring the woods and playing in the stream. The kid had a strange fascination with fire and the parents could not keep their son away from it.

Yaser went out for his weekly hunt grabbing his bow and arrow before leaving the cabin. Out in the woods the man smelled burning wood and looked up in the sky and saw smoke. Fear engulfed him as he took off in the direction of the smoke hoping it wouldn’t lead back to his cabin. Unfortunately, the closer he got to the cabin the more smoke filled the air. Yaser finally reached his home and was greeted with red flames covering the cabin. “Trisha! Zayn!” the man screamed out running towards the fire.

“Over here Yaser” Trisha yelled out emerging from the tree line to the left of her husband. In her arms was a weeping Zayn. Yaser breathed out in relief and ran towards his family. He pulled his wife and child into a big hug and kissed them both on the forehead. “Thank god you’re alright” he whimpered “We need to leave the area now.”

Yaser put Zayn on his back and took his wife’s hand and headed into the forest. They went in the opposite direction of the wind so the fire wouldn’t be blown towards them. Zayn fell asleep against his dad’s back feeling safe and secure. “What happened?” Yaser questioned keeping his voice down so he wouldn’t wake up his son.

Trisha shrugged and replied “I don’t know. I was in the living room knitting and then I heard Zayn scream from his room. I saw smoke coming out of the room and kicked the door open. In the middle of the fire was Zayn freaking out. I called him over and he just walked through the fire like it didn’t even hurt. I checked him over for any injuries and he had none. Sweetie he literally walked through flames. I asked him what happened and he said his toy made him angry. I’m kinda freaked out do you think he started the fire.”

Yaser looked at his son. The boy did have an anger problem, but was it enough to light his toy on fire. “Do you think he got a match and lit the toy on fire?”

Trisha thought about it and said “Maybe. I mean we have been looking for those matches for a couple days. Should we punish Zayn?”

Yaser chuckled “Sure and what do you suppose we do send him to his room.”

Trisha started to laugh too feeling herself loosen up. She realized how lucky she was that neither she nor Zayn were killed in the fire and that Yaser found them. Trisha decided to talk with Zayn when he woke up and tell him why what he did was wrong. The couple held hands as they ascended deeper in the forest. They weren’t really sure what they were looking for, they just needed to escape.

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