Chapter I: Girls at the bar

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"Girls.." chaeyoung sighed, reminiscing what happened last night, again.

It isn't new for her to feel this sort of emptiness every morning. Perhaps, she's immune already.

And today was the time of the year, where she's on a vacation. A month of vacation after a whole year of stressful working.

She miss this, how she can just almost do anything she wants for a month, without worrying about anything.

"After giving them the good time they wanted, they just gonna disappear the next day."

Reaching for the coffee cup that she made, she took a little sip on it.

She placed her hand on the side of her cheek, leaning on it. "It's annoying. I know it's just for a night, but.. i also want some company." She sighed, either stressed from the reality or hopeless romantically.

Chaeyoung prefers to be alone most of the times, but she does want to call someone her someone.

How lovely she thinks how being someone's someone will feel like.

It's been a while since she dated. She remembered that the last person she said her i love yous is to her ex boyfriend.

She laughs at the thought, who would've known that a 3 year relationship with the man she thought she'll end up with.. will vanish in thin air.

Cheating, the main problem why their sweet relationship turned sour all of a sudden.

Chaeyoung tried, she really did. She ignored the fact that her boyfriend had cheated on her. But we can't blame her for giving up, it's just too much.

So much, that it ended their love story, and almost ended her too.

She can't never turn a blind eye to it everytime that her supposedly man, is smiling while texting another woman.

Yes, he's with her. But only he's physical body.. not his soul and heart, not even his attention.

It made her rethink, isn't she enough? What's wrong with her? Is there something she lacks that the other girl has?

It was brain damaging, she didn't knew she could handle it.

Sometimes, she just can't understand it. Why do people get into a relationship, when they're not even sure with their partner?

"What a waste of years." She tsked while she shook her head. Shaking off the thought of that douchebag.

Having him inside her thoughts is just not healthy for her. She wouldn't want to go on a year long moving on process again. Never again.

After years of being single in life, Chaeyoung finally knew what she really like.


Thinking of it, she's actually glad that her boyfriend cheated. Because if not? She'll never knew how better girls than boys are.

How they smell more alluring.

How they have the sweetest voice.

How they know you better than anyone else.

And how they do it, how they pleasure you.

It was all much better, feels more right.

Especially on sex.

Men only wants their own satisfaction, but for women? They know every pleasurable corner of your body. They can drive you insane with just a touch of their fingertips.

One night stands is what she lives for, having fun to the fullest. She's taking back all those years of suffocating relationship she had.

Now, she's living the life she truly deserves. What she knew she deserves.

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