Chapter XV: The encounter

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Although it was night time, streets are still busy and loud. But there's a person louder. 

"Hey you!"

A man shouts, and it looks like he's chasing someone twice shorter than he is.. and probably twice weaker too.

"Shoot." Mina panting, sweat running down her forehead while feet is starting to feel pain. She's been running for minutes now, getting away from this guy who's chasing her.

"Get the fuck back here!" The man yelled and Mina did the opposite, she ran faster.

"Damn this shit." Her heels broke, oh how lucky she is. First, being caught stealing, now this?

This made her stop for a quick second, but that split moment had her being caught by the man.

"Got you!"

Mina gasps, then grunts as she tries to escape. "Mister, please- please let go of me!" She shouts and wiggles her wat out. But obviously, the man is way stronger than she is.

The man letten go, not wanting people to circle around them and make it look like he's at fault. He doesn't want to start a ruckus, but Mina somehow is making him to. "Wow, then give me back my money first." The man demands, voice changed into something more serious and deeper.

Mina gulps, she knows she's in trouble but it's not the time where she has to act all weak. She needs to think how to get the fuck out of this mess she made.
"I don't have it. Leave me alone." Mina lied of course, she has the man's money. Inside her back pocket is where it's located. She stole the cash, that's what she do for a living anyways.

Dirty, unusual, risky, but a great help for her. It's the only way she knows.

"Liar, you took my bills! I saw you! I might not be sober but I'm sure you took it." The man said, he does look like he's going to pass out from alcohol overdose.

The man grabbed her arm, "Sir! Please!" She desperately said, just wanting to end the night as fast as she could. Emiko is waiting for her.

"Fucking hell!" The man groans, Mina kneed his no-no spot. And it did hurt like hell.

"Yah!" The man shouts but Mina ignores, it's the best thing she can do. She needs to get away, and fast.

While escaping from the drunk guy, she bumped into someone, "Sorry! I'm so sorry-" she bows down so many times, so furiously too.

She felt a hand touched her head, more like patted it. She's confuse, it made her look up. "Mina?" The woman questioned.

"Eh?" She uttered and tilts her head. But even before the woman make any sound, she heard the man again.

"You bitch!"

The man didn't get the chance to approach Mina, since the woman she bumped into moments ago.. is covering her. She's currently standing behind the tall girl.

"Sir, what is happening here?" The woman asked, with a calm and understanding voice.

But that didn't helped the man too settle down, "That shit took my bills! She's a thief!" He shouts and shouts, the people passing by is slowly giving them attention.

"I told you, i didn't took your money. Shut up!" Mina defends herself.

The woman looked at her and gave her a soft rub on her hand, like a form of saying she'll take care of it, that it's fine. "Wait, wait.. let's not shout. Uh.. sir you're not in the right state of mind, and you're blaming Mi- this woman." She spoke.

"I know I'm not, but I totally saw her stole my money out of my wallet. Look!" The man abruptly showed his wallet, showing a credit card and a piece of bill inside.

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