Chapter XVI: Baking session

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Mature content ahead:>

It was loud, really. Sana could cover her ears but she didn't, she's so used at the girl's high pitched voice at times like this. When she's one at fault on creating the yelling creature.

"You want me to leave?! All those drama and suspense, and you're just yeeting me out of here?" Chaeyoung said, chest heaving, she finds this very unfair.

"Choose honey, leave or never see or fuck me again?" Sana poked her chest, once then twice, then flashed a smirk after. It could go worse, but Chaeyoung is already beyond pissed.. Sana could tell.

Just by the muscle tensed on the part of her clenched jaw, and how her hands tightened close is an enough sign that she's mad.

"Bullshit." Chaeyoung spits. She was expecting a naughty condition, but all she got was this.. disgusting.

"Apology accepted." With a sarcastic chuckle, that's how Sana responds.

"I've said this a bunch of times Sana, but you are so damn impossible!" Those are the last words that came out of Chaeyoung's angry mouth before she left the place.

Sana waved at her, "I know darling, bye."

Sana knows how this game will go, just a bit of a pull and a whole lot of pushing will do the the thing. And today, she decided to push Chaeyoung further away, that she'll come crawling back.

While cleaning her counter area, Sana heard the bell of the door rang, meaning that a customer had entered.

She rushed and tries to accommodate whoever the person is. "Anything i can do for-" she paused, seeing that the girl is very much familiar to her eyes.

"You." She points out, the girl just tilts her head. "Pardon?"

Sana took a step closer, "Do you somehow know a kid named Chaeyoung?" She asked. Referring Chaeyoung as a kid was funny for her, especially when the woman's face scrunched.

"A kid who? My sunbae?"

Sana hummed, seeing how things had become. "Oh, you're older than that bitch? I see." That was rude of her to talk like that behind Chaeyoung's back but she couldn't handle it well. If Chaeyoung has a short temper? So does she.

It turns out that the girl, Tzuyu was still puzzled. "Wait miss.. what's going on?" She asked as her brows furrowed.

"You asked me last time if I've seen a girl of yours, right?" Sana tries to help Tzuyu recall the event.

Luckily, it this came back. Tzuyu remembered. "Oh.. yeah. But- but the kid isn't mine. It's my friend's." She corrects.

"Okay. Uhm.. what brings you here?" Sana said, asking if she can do more than putting dirt all over Chaeyoung's name. Her bakery is known for having the most customer service anyway.

"Oh! I'm.. uh, one order of your chocolate donuts please." Tzuyu said, so Sana immidietly do her job. She went back to her stack of bread and pastries to fetch some of her donuts but she found nothing.

"Shit, i ran out of choco donuts." She tsked in dismay.

Tzuyu looks up at Sana after hearing the girl gasp, leaving her gaze at the never ending stacks of cupcakes with a variety of colors.

"Mind if you wait me make some? It'll be quick, the dough is already prepared." Sana asked. This never happened before, she always have some spare on everything. She could get a minus grade on customer service because of this.

Tzuyu slightly nods. "Yeah, sure. I can wait."

"Cool." Sana smiled, the woman was so polite.. unlike-

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