Chapter XVIII: Breathe with me

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"Ah shit. I should've accepted her offer. But fuck, she's radiating that aura again. Her hormones is raging up, jesus." Tzuyu trembles as she gets colder and colder by the blast of the night's unfortunate rain.

Chaeyoung offered her a ride, she declined because she could sense that it's not going to be 'just' a ride back home.

Instead, she went to the nearest bar. It's just a couple blocks away from the bank, she ran through it.

She decided to just wait till the rain stops, then she'll go and find a taxi if there's still some out there or maybe drink till she pass out.

"They shouldn't build a bar near a bank, people will withdraw money then just waste it here." She took the glass, chugged the shot down. "Like me." She coughs as the liquor burned a line down her throat.

Couple more dizzy shot and she thought she's dreaming. "Mina?" She utters as she squints her eyes, yup it is Mina.

The girl is being tugged by a man on her shirt, and Tzuyu isn't liking it. So she acted fast.

Leaving her half touched drink, she rushed and pushed the man away. "Hey! Get the fuck off!"

The man isn't liking it either, he laughs psychotically, "You're defending that woman? Are you out of your mind? She take advantages! She just stole my money!"

"Mina, is that true?" Tzuyu asked as she pants from running way to fast to reach there.

"I-" Mina is speechless.

"See! You whore!" The man point a finger at her as he yelled his lungs out. The man's anger was unbearable, it's causing a ruckus.

"Don't you talk like that to her!" Tzuyu points back, teeth greeting with madness.

"How should i then? Fuck both of you, women like you two should rot in hell!" That somehow triggered Tzuyu, it turned on the switched that she thought was never there in her system.

"Hell this!" With a swift lift of her fist, it lands straight to the man's ugly face.

Mina covers her mouth, in pure shock. "Let's get out of here." She grabbed Mina's arm and immidietly left the place while dragging the girl with her.

They reached the first street away from the bar, but Tzuyu didn't stopped running.

The road was wet, and the sky is barely giving light. Tzuyu suspects that no one could follow them at this rate, but adrenaline is taking over.

"Tzuyu wait!" Mina said as she tries to slow down her footsteps.

Tzuyu looks back, "What? He'll catch us."

Mina helf her heaving chest, "No, just wait. I can't.." she breathes in and out shortly, too short.

Tzuyu eventually stopped running, "Do you still have asthma?"

Mina weakly nods, "It never left my system uyu." She sat down the ground, not minding how soak her pants will get.

She scratch her head, panicking. "Sorry, i- i forgot and-"

"Yu.." Mina's voice is waking her whole being, she noticed that she's not that drunk at all.

"Huh? Mina.. Mina!" The scenario is right in front of her, Mina fainted, laying on the side of the road.


The black dim night was replaced by a white bright room, they're in the hospital. Tzuyu was lucky enough to bump into a family van that was willingly to help them.

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