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                                                                      Mitch's POV

I sat in my room on my bed a nurse just came to gave me my medicine and I was getting tried. I lay in my bed thinking about how my mom left me and my dad and older sister one day she didn't say were she just left and never came back. My mom left them when I was 8 I really did not know what was going on. I hoped that one day she would come back but she didn't. I starting having bad dreams and panic attacks when my dad would leave me at school or when he would go to work. Some times I can hear my mom in my head. I tell her to go away that she is not real but she keeps coming back.

" Grassi." I woke up when I heard my name called.

" Yes." I said sitting up on my bed.

" Lunch time" Stan said

Wow I was asleep that long I though to myself. I slid on my shoes and followed Stan to lunch room. Stan was taller than Mitch he had light brown skin and brown eyes and his hair color was red. I thought Stan was cute and had a big butt that I was looking at as I followed behind Stan. When we got there I got my lunch. I got a slice of pizza and a raisin cookie and a bottle water and sat down at a table. I kept my head down looking at my food I didn't like being around a lot of people.

" Hey, Mitch hows it goin'?" Kirstie my friend asked sitting down across from me.

" It's goin' ok." I answered

I didn't have a lot of friends here. I smiled as my friends Kevin and Avi sat down too.

"Hey, Mitch." Avi said

" Hey guys." I said

" Hey, Kirstie.How are you?" Avi said to her

" Hey, Avi. I'm doing good." Kirstie said to him

Kirstie liked Avi but wasn't sure if Avi like her back because of her problems . Kirstie had the same problems as me but she was way skinnier than me it was hard to get her to eat because she thought she was fat. We kept telling her she wasn't but she didn't care. Her mom left her and her little sister and dad too. Kirstie told me that she liked him but not to tell him. It was easy because I didn't talk a lot.

Avi had went to drugs when his parents died in a car crash and his older sister had to take care of him and little brother and he had on top of that ADHD. He was always talking and playing with his long hair but he was happy most of the time. He ate a lot he loved food unlike Kirstie and me. Avi liked Kirstie but didn't know how to tell her and was scared she didn't like him.

Kevin was a lot like Avi. He loved food and he had ADHD to but he never used drugs. His dad and mom put him in here because Kevin could not control himself. He was always making sounds with his mouth and singing he was always moving it was hard for him to stop. He had amazing voice though.

Lunch time was almost done and I didn't even eat my cookie.

" Hey Avi, Do you want my cookie?" I asked him

" Yeah , you know it. " Avi said

I hand him my cookie said bye too eveyone and went to get Stan to take me back to my room.

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