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                                                                        Mitch's Pvo 

That night I had a bad dream I was running away form something I don't know what but I was yelling at it to go away. But it had caught me and pined me to the ground but I couldn't see it was so dark and cold where we were I knew we were outside but that is all. I started yelling for it to go away again but it wasn't. I tried to get away but it was so strong I started to cry. Then I felt something warm go around my body I didn't know what was going on then I heard singing and it was getting light out and what ever was holding me was gone. I slowly opened  my eyes and I see what look likes Scott's arms aronud me and he was singing I didn't know what but he was good. 

" You have a beautiful voice." I told him Scott jumped I guess he didn't know I was wake.

" Oh I'm sorry I'll go back to my own bed now." Scott said 

" No stay please." I asked him

" Uh-mm Ok." He said 

We just lay there in my bed Scott still holding me i love it . I was just think why I would have that dream it had to be around 3 a.m when we both fell asleep.  I woke up again around 7:54 a.m and carefully got out of my bed not wanting to wake up Scott and got in the shower. I washed my body and now my hair I started to sing but loud because I didn't want to wake up Scott . I love to sing it helped me. 

While I was in the shower I heard someone knock on the door and started talking to Scott and he said something back then it got quiet . When I got out Scott was not in my bed he wasn't even in the room. So got dressed in my uniform did my hair and then read my book until Stan or Josh came for me. I was sitting there for maybe 10 minutes  when Stan came knocking on the door.

" Hey Mitch, Here's your medicine." Stan said 

" Thank you." I said 

" You look tired you ok." Stan said 

" Yes I'm good." I told him 

" Ok. Lets go eat." Stan said I got up and followed him then i stopped 

" Where's Scott? Is he coming?" I asked 

" He had to see the doctor this morning he will be joining yall later." Stan said 

" Ok, Cool." I said and started following him again 

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